This page was the "cover" of the blog...
In the beginning I thought the EV was a good idea because I want America to be energy independent. I did NOT know until after I had blogged (sometimes at the encouragement of Ghosn's allies) that NISSAN did not have the technology needed to make the Leaf I was giving NISSAN idea's on how to market it better simply because I was told the car was "meant to fail" and I wanted it to be a success so jobs wouls be created.
Until the beginning of Summer 2010 i was led to believe that my "ranting" about America's need to "go green" was helping America. Once a reliable source told me about the fraud immediatly I started blogging about it. Then I ended up in jail... 3 times. The corrupt people are connected to Al Gore and to Rahm Emanual. I will happily testify to a congressional committee under oath.
USA Today says NISSAN Will be Targeted by Unions
I believe it's a response to "what" I blogged about a long time ago
With fat contracts with Detroit's Big 3 in its back pocket, the United Auto Workers union can now turn its attention to trying to organize foreign automakers' plants in the U.S. The union considers the effort critical to its future.
But where to start? The Associated Press is report that the choice of the next target is up in the air, but that Nissan is a likely target.
Union leaders have discussed Nissan as a target for organizing, according to a person briefed on union meetings. "It was crystal clear" that Nissan would be targeted, said the person, who asked not to be identified because the meetings are private, the AP is reporting.
This is the UNCHANGED cover page to the blog...
I will bet that IP address will show the Unions read it.... I know the White House did :):)
The Corporate Culture at Renault/Nissan reminded me of Korea
Carlos “ I have multiple Proofs” Ghosn
The company’s head of security, Dominique Gevrey, a former spy, was arrested while boarding an airplane bound for West Africa. He is being investigated for organized fraud.
Wow!!!! Looks like Renault and Nissan have been “hiring” lots of spies. NISSAN It’s Time to “
Last year I had a meeting with a Japanese 3rd generation "spy" ... who "knew" my background, strange.
Obviously "this" website is still up because France and Japan are "having issues". For the record people "think" I'm on the French side of this battle. Let me say this "I told Carlos Tavares in the beginning that I was a 'maverick' All I wanted was BETTER treatment of human beings. Also, I want American tax dollars spent wisely.
The "Good Ole Boys" leading NISSAN North America are working with "team Japan". Americans working in HR were "traitors" to the American taxpayers. They wasted LOT of money that could have been spent on education, health care or more bombs. OR....It could have been kept in the bank accounts of hard working taxpayers. ??? What a concept.
Some Japanese and the German auto companies have been working with the political elite to assist in UNION BUSTING in America.....This has gone on for YEARS!!!!
It’s a way to destabilize the American auto industry by making American cars less competitive. The win for the political elite is that it helped shift_ the distribution of wealth in the American economy by the “weakening” unions.
The BIGGEST plus of relocating to “right to work” states is that the campaign coffers of the democrats is diminished as the strength of the unions is diminished.
It's fascinating....& real. This is NOT a secret....
In 1993 I met Governor Martin of North Carolina and he "explained to me" the "new" southern border created by Lee Atwater (whose connected to Carlos Ghosn’s right hand man Jim Morton). North Carolina didn't get the lucrative factory jobs instead they tried to position themselves as "high tech" with the golden triangle. Governor Martin made political promises and kept them. I respect him.
OK!!! Ghosn should be working for ALL the shareholders since he's in charge of the RENAULT~NISSAN ALLIANCE
The fact is that Ghosn "abandon" team FRANCE and then "personally profited" and supported "team Japan"... due to his relationship with Morton.
I believe that he put FRANCE in a position that NOW the FRENCH feel dependant on him. This is due to the "Clinton Connection".... I believe that the Clintons are "too busy" to deal with this and want nothing to do with Ghosn's dirty tricks" . France: that "connection is NOW dead".
FYI- the Clinton's (after 1994) brilliantly formed a working alliance with the Modern Day Mainstream Republican Elite. That is "how" Bill Clinton was so successful at getting America OUT OF DEBT.
France "currently has the shares" to tell Ghosn to Go
France can say HUMANITY MATTERS!!!
??? Why is Ghosn still there?
Personally I believe that the Japanese Board at NISSAN needs to understand that Ghosn is NOT the savor in giving Japan back its dependence from France. YES!!! France was a "bit" of a bully. Oddly the bullying was done by GHOSN. Bad "accounting" has been used so Renaults #'s don't look as bad as they could. Basically Renault is a "holding company" of NISSAN.
Ghosn has disrespected the Japanese people too with his management tactics.
Ghosn did help "save" the company in the late 90's BUT
then he shifted_ and then HE AND HIS PEOPLE PERSONALLY PROFITED while hard working employees of NISSAN and Renualt suffered.
My personal thought on "unions is mixed"
NISSAN has a history of NOT hiring former GM workers in Tennessee and some of those people are eating cat food.
France PLEASE!!!
Humanity Matters!!!
Sharyn Bovat 615-415-6675

"If the President does it, it can't be illegal"
Richard Nixon, 1977
Carlos “ I have multiple Proofs” Ghosn

Ghosn's dual role rendered vulnerable by spy scandal
Richard Nixon, 1977
Richard Nixon, 1977
Richard Nixon, 1977
Richard Nixon, 1977
Richard Nixon, 1977
Richard Nixon, 1977
Richard Nixon, 1977
Richard Nixon, 1977
Richard Nixon, 1977
Richard Nixon, 1977
By Paul Betts Published: March 10 2011 17:36
check out for more:
??? for Jim Morton ... How's Bermuda Baby!!!

Above are pictures of Dominique Thormann he is NOW the CFO of Renault he told people to use "hidden cost centers"
Rob is the other man pictured.
He's a NISSAN executive connected to Carlos Ghosn.
I have it documented he bullied me for OVER a year. This happened after I whistle blew. They wanted to discredit me.
He swore out warrants and lied to the police. I was bruised in the Williamson County jail. Rob told them to "scare me" 6 police cars took me an unarmed relocation consultant to jail ONLY because I spoke up against discrimination and corruption. This is happening in America.
I told the truth about Carlos Ghosn & NISSAN terrorized me. I'm fighting back.
This is a cover of the front page of the Tennessean it's the biggest newspaper in Tennessee. The article says that the incoming GOP are going to scrutinize spending. The issues at NISSAN were started when former Governor Bredesen's office conducted meetings with NISSAN's Jim Morton.
Executives connected to him said the EV would be a "failed Obama program"
I asked this question:
??? Why take over a Billion American taxpayer dollers for something to fail.
Since the summer of 2009 I complained to Mr. Tavares about the look of the car. It was said that Bill O Reilly would use a picture of the Leaf as a "tool" to get rid of
President Obama. That is WHY the Leaf looks a "bit" familiar.... notice the bulging eyes and BIG smile.

Since the summer of 2009 I have documented my emails to Carlos Tavares about the poor marketing being done on the Leaf.
I emailed Mr. Tavares in December 2009 about a call I received saying that NISSAN was being taken advantage of in a pricey contract with Critical Mass.
Later those connected to the Designery told me that NOBODY on the account had auto experience. They were "burning money".
i was told that the goal was to market the car so the government would think they were "serious" yet they did not want to sell too many. ??? Why I asked.
"I believe in the need for the EV... that said: Carlos Ghosn took advantage of the State of Tennessee and the American Taxpayer. Ghosn needs to go....NOW!!!" ......Sharyn Bovat 615-415-6675
ALL details About the slow to be released NISSAN Leaf, the Bad Decisions of Carlos Ghosn & My Quest to Free The Renault Three:
Many people know I told the truth. Women at NiSSAN were replaced by buddies of a Good Ole Boy network.
Women in management went from 20.9% to 10% these
#'s come from NISSAN's own internal statistics
??? Did Carlos Tavares Save NISSAN From Going Bankrupt.
Coming Soon!!!
NISSAN Whistleblower Believes Renault Three Have Been Falsely Accused; Says Its’ a Stupid Scandal Created by those that Work for Carlos Ghosn
Sharyn Bovat has a “thought” to France
The French People are Perceived in A Bad Light ALREADY in America. “This” Scandal Makes YOU Look Stupid…I know That is NOT True.
The French Are Savvy and Smart;
??? Has Sarah Palin Taken Over the Elysee Palace
??? What’s Going On.
Alleged Renault spies fight back
French prosecutor launches Renault spy case probe
Enders defends China in Renault spy case
Unions to seek clarity on Renault spy scandal

Yesterday I was sent a "tip" on the Chinese Actor.
??? Thinks "not a man" Game....Guess the "new" Chinese suspect. I think Renault Might have to do a press release...

Next Week is Golden at the Girl in the Black Honda

Links to the most recent posts are at
End Racism in the RNC & Rants
Comedy website
Car thoughts website (being updated)
Politcal website
Haley Barbour Website
The Nissan Whistleblower website
The Taxpayers website
Richard Nixon, 1977 Richard Nixon, 1977 Richard Nixon, 1977 Richard Nixon, 1977 Richard Nixon, 1977 Richard Nixon, 1977 Richard Nixon, 1977 Richard Nixon, 1977 Richard Nixon, 1977
Richard Nixon, 1977 Richard Nixon, 1977 Richard Nixon, 1977 Richard Nixon, 1977 Richard Nixon, 1977 Richard Nixon, 1977 Richard Nixon, 1977 Richard Nixon, 1977
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Richard Nixon, 1977 Richard Nixon, 1977 Richard Nixon, 1977 Richard Nixon, 1977
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Richard Nixon, 1977 Richard Nixon, 1977
Richard Nixon, 1977
Coming Soon!!!
Sharyn Bovat became a whistleblower in March 2009 at NISSAN North America in Tennessee. She told Carlos Tavares the NISSAN #2 globally about bad spending of taxpayer money by a "Good Ole Boy" network.
The men at NISSAN responsible for the reckless spending were "doing deals" with a republican governor and a democratic governor.
NISSAN executives carelessly spent & some people personally profited from money that was "earmarked" for corporate relocation expenses to seduce NISSAN to relocate to Tennessee & money that the federal government gave to Mississippi to help hurricane Katrina victims.

Sharyn Bovat who was told "skirts don't speak" on the executive floor at NISSAN got mad by the abusive spending & told the truth about problems involving the "Good Ole Boys". They retaliated against Sharyn for becoming whistleblower and swore out warrants to have her arrested. She was jailed 3 times.
Each time Bovat was taken to jail she issued a press release and kept speaking about their misconduct. Bullying and Harassment were common treatment for Sharyn the last 18 months. NISSAN in Japan and France turned a "blind eye". Shayrn Bovat's child suffered because grown men were mad at her mom.
Years ago this whistleblower attended a mentoring brunch featuring the now US Senator Dianne Feinstein & she told Sharyn that when she faced a problem to keep speaking until somebody listened. Mrs Feinstein, May i please borrow a gavel to bang on their heads to get attention. Women at NISSAN have been ignored for years. In 4 years women in management declined from 20.9% to 10% that's a 50% reduction. Some "Good Ole Boys" were "tweaking" with the numbers and Sharyn "ratted them out".
Sharyn Bovat's American rights have been taken away and she is looking for press to assist her in this "battle of human decency". Bovat fears she'll lose her "freedom" if the NISSAN Good Ole Boys and thier unethical business practices involving taxpayer money is not exposed.
On January 3rd & 4th she'll be in Washington DC to attend the RNC debate and to launch "American Taxpayers for Common Sense" a new blog created as a Watchdog for the Moderate. if the weather is friendly she'll conduct interviews on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. She'll also speak about wasteful spending of taxpayer money along with issues of discrimination in the south. For an appointment contact Sharyn at 615-415-6675.
Bovat be also be available January 5th to talk to the Tennessee press about her "continued" battle with the NISSAN "Good Ole Boys" email questions: Until then please enjoy your holiday season.
Peace and Respect
Sharyn Bovat
Nissan Whistleblower Legal Update: Back in Court 1/31/11
NISSAN Whistleblower Getting Indicted Monday October 25th 9am in Tennessee & Say's Charges are "TRUMPED UP" & She Was Jailed Again Yesterday, Begs Carlos Tavares to "End This"
I was indicted and on Monday I'll be arraigned. On Friday while looking at the docket to get a "heads up" so I would not be totally surprised on Monday the police came and hauled me back to jail. New charges have been filed against me based on evidence from the "dismissed" case. The "email harassment" charge is NOW an "email stalking" charge.
Rob (the good old boy) swore out the warrant. He's the one I've documented harassing me OVER a year ago.
NISSAN I don't get it!!!
EXCEPT an article in CNN/Fortune said:
Mr. Tavares could be the next chairman of Renault too.
In Tennessee an anonymous grand jury met and I was not represented. In Tennessee ONLY the prosecution and their witnesses testify. There were no people to monitor if what they said was true.
America, I'm terrified of Tennessee but I will fight for MY American Rights. Court dates are 12/6 mid January and February. Then the "jury trial" will start. I get to do subpeona's :):)
Good Ole Boys I've got the truth on MY side and I'm gonna WIN.
Each time YOU punch me I'm stronger. I'm fighting for FREEDOM.
Women were discriminated against at NISSAN stats prove it.
Also, I WILL get the message out about bad spending of taxpayer money by The Nissan Good Ole Boys.
What's happening to me for Whistleblowing at NISSAN is WRONG!!!
Sharyn Bovat 615-415-6675
In my down time I'll write my book:
Jailbait to Relogate
& a lot of side trips.
The NISSAN Whistleblowers Road to Freedom
The official Indictement is NOW available on this website.... Just scroll down.
It's Monday's News TODAY!!!!

I'm Getting Ready for My Debut.
November 2nd at SPANKY's Nashville November 17th at ZANIES Nashville
for tickets to ZANIES show call 615-269-0221
Nashville has Fantastic Female Comics. Pictured Jessica, Sharyn "the skirt", Kim, & Janet
??? Will Sharyn Bovat be a Political Prisoner Find Out 10-25 9am the Williamson County Court. To prepare for a POLITICALLY CHARGED indictment I've prepared.
Sharyn Bovat aka
The Stealth Skirt aka
The Red State Refugee
"I was planning on launching my comedy act in Delaware to get some press for my upcoming court day because US Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell was 'hot' in the media. NOW the press is flocking to Nevada since O'Donnell's poll numbers have shown her going down faster than a merchant in Amsterdam that just turned on her red light"...Sharyn Bovat
A new day and venue to be announced soon
FYI-I've got a GREAT rant about Tennessee taxpayers funding a Parisian Sperm Donor. :) :) Sharyn
“He who is not
enough to take
risks will
nothing in
life.”Muhammad Ali
Amnesty International Forget Gitmo and Guantanamo the Girls Need You in America.
In Tennessee my American Rights were taken away I need help. Amnesty International I need YOU.
??? Maybe you can stop by Mississippi 1st.
What’s happened to those black women in the State that
NISSAN built “2” plants is WRONG. Racism is WRONG!!!
??? Why would you “expand” a plant when product quality in the original plant is an “issue”. Answer: Kickbacks and Special Deals
Some people filled their pockets while shareholders and hardworking employee’s suffered & NOW all Infiniti’s have to be made out of JAPAN and that hurts the company with the high cost of the YEN. (CODA is smart to build cars in Benicia)
??? Who did benefit from the Mississippi Plant Expansion?
Answer: My readers say Haley Barbour's buddies INCLUDING Jim Morton (& Ghosn) they also say a LOT of Good Ole Boys benefited/profited from Nissan’s move to Tennessee. I have NOT named that many names. Simply for I WANT THIS OVER.
Back to Haley Barbour and his background as a political “player”
Today's theme is boxing & If you put the name Haley Barbour in the same category as Ed Gillespie one would be Mohamed Ali & the guy from Mississippi is Mike Tyson.
Both Mike Tyson and Haley Barbour do NOT play ball by the rules of AMERICA or humanity keep reading the analogy will make sense.
My name is Sharyn Bovat and I’m fighting back.
I’ve been bullied and harassed by a Good Ole Boy Network and during this “Battle of
Human Decency” I’ve had LOTS of data from my website. When I punch Jim Morton the Good ole Boys seem to retaliate by “playing dirty”.
When the so called Bush Dirty Tricks team was ramping up in the early 90’s, Sharyn Bovat was a “water girl”. I know their “plays”. In the 90’s I watched California get #$%@&* by people that wanted “control of the campaign cash”. Business and Politics in America are entangled. I GET IT & I respect it. That does not mean I like it. For EV/America success EVERYONE needs to get along.
??? GET IT
That said: I’ve been arrested 2 times. My lawyer QUIT because the Good Ole Boys called him and said MORE warrants were being issued and I would be taken BACK to jail. My lawyer was told that a special prosecutor was called.
SPECIAL Prosecuters are used for BIG crimes. I'm a whistle blower. Obviously the Special Prosecuter was called for my arrest was PURELY Political.
FYI- I was put me in a cell with a woman charged with assault w/a lethal weapon. They did NOT feed me, would NOT let me call to get childcare for my child, & I was bruised by the harsh handling.
Williamson County even suggesting having A SPECIAL PROSECUTER for MY case is either RIDICULAS or SCARY. Luckily the DA's office changed their mind (at the last minute)
The travisty of justice is: My lawyer quit because he could not understand WHY all this was happening to me since my arrest was a FIRST time misdemeanor. I had to represent myself. LAWYERS in the community ignored me. One made a nasty comment.
The warrant sworn out by a man I spoke to the police about for harassing ME.
What happened to me was morally WRONG and RIDICULAS.
I do NOT want to spend this weekend worrying that Tennessee is going to have me FORMALLY INDICTED. I do NOT want to become a political prisoner just for talking about corruption and bad spending of taxpayer money at NISSAN. The DOT connect “clearly” to Mississippi.
If Carlos Tavares Can’t stop this stupidity happening in Tennessee than I ask Mr. Ghosn to do it. YES!!! I’ve bashed Mr. Ghosn on this website and he deserved it (Have you seen his salary….people that make that much are USED to words like mine, they’re TOUGH & he can "take it")
YES!!! Carlos Ghosn has proven to be greedy my question today:
??? Is he at least human?
??? Does he want Decency in Tennessee?
??? Can he tell his “buddy” Jim Morton from South Carolina to tell Mississippi THE PARTY IS OVER and to PLEASE release those women? They are Prisoners for simply being BLACK. That should NOT happen in America today.
In reference to ME Somebody END THIS!!!
Have A Great Day!!!
Love Cars~Love People~ Love the Planet
There's something that smells "fishy" in Mississippi & it's NOT the shrimp.
Some people need to be indicted NOT inaugurated
………….In contrast, Governor Barbour has been quite willing to hand get-out-of-jail-free cards to men who unquestionably committed shockingly brutal crimes. The Jackson Free Press, an alternative weekly, and Slate Magazine have catalogued these interventions by Mr. Barbour. ……….. All, as Mr. Balko pointed out, had been enrolled in a special prison program “that had them doing odd jobs around the Mississippi governor’s mansion.” ……..
Brian Carolin: “I’m not advertising the Leaf to sell Leafs. We’re sold out.
I’m doing it to build the brand.”
Lindsey Chappall, I like your articles.
For almost 17 months Sharyn Bovat's wrote a lot on this website www.girlintheblackhonda.comm they were/are "thoughts" to Mr. Tavares. At the same time she sent him emails with "better" thoughts... This was after she saw her ideas "pop" up on other automakers websites. If her "ideas" were not good Mr. Tavares would have NEVER accepted all her emails. IF NEEDED to SHOW MY CONTRIBUTIONS I WILL REQUEST THE EVERY EMAIL THAT I WROTE THE CHARIMAN OF THE AMERICA’S BE READ N COURT & THAT’S GOING TO TAKE A LONG TIME. Sharyn Bovat knows that “others” have taken "credit" after "tweaking" her inspiration and Sharyn is OK with that in fact she "prefers" to be a behind the scenes person. Yet if "fruit flies" are feeding off her "thoughts" and she gets NO respect Sharyn will "fight back".
Nissan's marketing makeover
How a generic Japanese brand is reinventing itself
Lindsay Chappell Automotive News -- October 18, 2010 - 12:01 am ET
Carlos Tavares of Nissan: “At our core, we didn't know what we stood for.” But that, he says, is going to change.
NASHVILLE -- Last winter, when Nissan Motor Co.'s executive committee for the Americas gathered to discuss the future position of the Nissan brand, one marketing mission became clear: It needed a makeover.
The brand was stagnating in the market. Sales were inching forward, but new products just weren't catching fire.....“At our core,” says Carlos Tavares, Nissan's leader for the Americas, “we didn't know what we stood for.”
Read more:
from almost a year ago on my website..
Comments to the article from readers on
larry_weitzman wrote:
The Leaf will hurt the Nissan brand. Global warming is a hoax and everyone knows it. The Leaf would not be produced if not for government mandates. But more importantly as I have written before in these comments on the Leaf and Volt hybrid, the Leaf will NOT perform as advertised. Range will be 60-65 miles in normal driving and that will cause huge complaints fromt the buyers (you will pay $25K and your neighbor will kick in $7K) who pay $32K for a car they can only drive 60 miles comfortably a DAY.
And it won't be that cheap to operate at 12 cents a kWh a fillup will cost about $2.50 or a gallon of gas that in a conventional Scion iQ will go about 40 miles and refuel in five minutes and cost about a third of the price.
Leaf could become Nissan's worst nightmare and destroy the brand quality. Just wait until a Leaf driver runs out of electrons on the freeway. There will be a lot of other drivers hating Nissan for building that golf cart car.
10/18/2010 12:21 PM EDT
Theateticus wrote:
Sorry, fellow readers but the electric car strikes me as a rare mutt indeed. So much so that I am reminded of a Monty Python skit offering as the world's funniest joke, an odd story: "I have a dog that has no nose. Really, How does it smell? Awful."
I have a product that couldn't survive in the free market. (without generous government support paid for by tax payers who do not want an electric vehicle.) Really? How does it sell? Awful.
10/18/2010 9:20 AM EDT
The greenies & the sandal people already worship at the altar of the pious (oops - I meant prius), I don't see this conversion happening for them.
10/18/2010 8:23 AM EDT
bboaze wrote:
Interesting how Nissan expects to do all of this with a car that is ugly and has no purpose. I don't see a lot of people wanting a car that costs as much as most other cars, but can only be used to drive to work and back.
10/18/2010 6:55 AM EDT
When Spending Taxpayer/Shareholders Money Be Frugal NOT Frivolous
A viewer told me there's a BIG billboard with a picture of NISSAN SVP Scott Becker & it looks likes it purpose is mainly to BOOST his image. WoW!!! That sounds like something communist-socialist tyrants that want to "feel good" about themselves would do.
If it's true it's a WASTE of money. Sounds like someones EGO is bigger than his BRAIN or heart...the billboard money could have gone to charity or back to shareholders. IF a vendor paid for it then NISSAN paid too much for a product or a service. GET IT!!!! The Billboard is supposed to be off of 65 near 440.
I'm tired.... I want "this" OVER!!! ??? Mr. Becker ??? WHY is this website still up
??? You could be a "good" guy & You went to a decent college...... I don't get it!!!
Have a Great Night!!! Sharyn 615-415-6675
Welcome Visitors from Japan to Tennessee!!!
My name is Sharyn Bovat, I'm the Nissan
whistleblower. In Tennessee there are many bad men that discriminate. Governors will be nice to you ONLY to get your money. Please tell them it's important to show RESPECT FOR ALL PEOPLE & Education is Bad in the South please tell the governors that foreign language is important & Education Matters!!!
To Read About Problems in Education & Segregation in
Williamson County, TN
My name is Sharyn Bovat & I used to be one of the top relocation consultants in the Nashville area. I've been fighting for Human Decency in Tennesee for OVER a year at NISSAN. Corruption and Discrimination are problems in the south. Call me I'll tell you more
615-415-6675. My opinion: Although California is more expensive in many ways and does have it's unique problems at least in CA women and minorities have the opportunity to have the American Dream.
During the Bush Era's America Was Invaded by Greed.
The "1st" gulf war was staged to stimulate the economy. Paid for by foreign nations. America did NOT got to Baghdad simply to keep the price of a barrel of oil HIGH.
Dick Cheney knew Saddam Hussein was a vicious tyrant, military leaders wanted to go to Baghdad but they had to do what the president told them.
The goal for Saudi & Dallas was a long term embargo.
When Bush the sequal "W"was elected in November 2000 the money funding the "eyes" watching Osama Bin Laden shifted to Iraq.
??? How do I know. I just do.
FYI- There's a press embargo on my story for a reason.
When the towers fell at the orders of the "tall guy"
??? Why did America invade the "wrong" country in retaliation.
During the Iraq war lots of lives were lost & at the same time some made a LOT of money. Remember after the 1st war Dick Cheney became President of Haliburton made 94,000,000.00. Oil companies started regulating themselves & that was disasterous.
??? look at the beaches on the gulf coast (USA).
Interesting Haliburtan wives got mink coats at a company christmans party, paid for "indirectly" by the American taxpayer.
Some of the wives named their coats, kind of like pets. This happened while "average" americans suffered and ate Top Ramon & financially struggled.
George W. Bush told America to shop during the Iraq war.
Shopping and supporting the economy was "patriotic" during that time banks gave lots of Americans credit they did not qualify for and many hard working people were forced into bankruptcy.
The people that were taken advantage of didn't get "bail outs" but the banks in America did.
Ignoring the little guy in legistlation led to the "auto crash" and MORE jobs lost in America.
??? Americans were lied to by "someone" in the Naughty Noughties.
America cannot give the keys to the country back to those that profited from 2 wars due to America's dependence on foreign oil.
Now America is at a crossroad politically. I call the political leaders that profited from war Good Ole Boys. People don't like President Obama in conservative red states saying he's an educated elitist. Some actually admit it's because he's black.
My "thought" if the guy looked like a smurf I would not care. My goal is for America to be successful. That means having a congress willing to work together.
??? Which direction will America take in November, forward or backward.
My name is Sharyn Bovat I'm a carpool mom who lost her job because I spoke out against a Good Ole Boy network in Tennessee at Nissan North America. Please read's horrible.
After I became a whislte blower I learned the political links involved with bad spending and discrimination at NISSAN were connected to my 'political past".
Haley Barbour was a character in BOTH. I'm a former political research worker. I know their strategies and LUCKILY for me during this Battle of Human Decency with Nissan many strategies were Haley Barbours ,based on Racism and Greed. Former employees helped me connect the dots all the way to Carlos Ghosn via Jim Morton. Money earmarked for Hurrican Katrina was identified as being used improperly. Haley Barbours family "profited" from Hurricane Katrina too. There is even SEGREGATION happening in Williamson County, Tennessee....It's disguting.
The supremist "mindset" in the south is extreme. Yet, nobody seem to complain.
until NOW!!!! I'm getting the word out about Good Ole Boys.
For over 16 months I've been in battle with the Nissan/political Good Ole Boys. Some of the other strategies they use came from strategic geniuses I knew in the past. Think TEA.
Games were being played at NISSAN for power. Similar to the republican Internal Battle for control in 1992/1993. wow!!!
Mark Stout during our two meeting (interrogations) in your office on the 10th floor. I heard words from your mouth identical to words Henry Barbour said to me in 1992.
Sir, My "thought" in March 2009 while you were trying to "spin" the situation...."If this is an auto executive, no wonder why this industry is so $#@&!* up."
If you have any questions call me 615-415-6675
Sharyn Bovat.

Respecting human rights
Do not allow any form of harassment in the workplace on the basis of race, nationality, gender, religion, disability, age, background, position in the company, employment status or any other reason.
Above is a NEW part of the NISSAN CSR Guidelines....
Thank you Mr. Tavares...
My name is Sharyn Bovat, I was considered one of the top relocation consultants in middle Tennessee. Now I'm asking Carlos Tavares to RELOCATE ME. Because I became a whistle blower & spoke up against a Good Ole Boy net
work that discriminated against women and minorities and wasted our taxpayer money at NISSAN North America I went to jail (twice).
“I’ve been called Tennessee’s version of Sarah Palin for fighting a
Good Ole Boy network. Yesterday I was called the Susan McDougal*
of Tennessee for being ‘railroaded’ by the justice system. America & NISSAN, I just want to be Sharyn Bovat of someplace else.”

In Tennessee I was jailed twice & was told more warrants were being issued for more arrest. My lawyer quit after he heard the State of Tennessee was getting a Special Prosecutor.
This was all done for a 1ST Time Misdemeanor charge.
I’m a Whistleblower who spoke out against bad spending of taxpayer money at NISSAN. I told the truth.
My arrest was POLITICAL & People want me discredited.
I’m Fighting for Basic American Rights in Tennessee, it's terrifying.
I Love America, & someday I want to move back to "my country".
For Tennessee to economically Succeed this MUST happen:
Respect and Rights for ALL People
*Susan McDougal From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia...Grand jury and civil contempt of court
During the grand jury, McDougal stated her full name "for the record", then refused to answer any questions. In her book, McDougal explained that "I feared being accused of perjury if I told the grand jury the truth. The OIC had accepted David Hale's lies as the truth. They were also now relying on Jim McDougal's lies, which they'd carefully helped him construct. If I came in and directly contradicted those two -- whose testimony had been used to convict me of four felonies -- I feared the OIC would next accuse me of perjury." She also writes that she feared the same fate as Julie Hiatt Steele[8] who had contradicted the testimony of White House aide Kathleen Willey: "Simply telling the truth cost Steele everything she had, almost landed her in jail [for perjury], and jeopardized her custody of her adopted son." [9]
................................From September 9, 1996 until March 6, 1998, McDougal spent the maximum possible 18 months imprisonment for civil contempt, including 8 months in solitary confinement, and subjected to "diesel therapy", the practice of hauling defendants around the country and placing them in different jails along the way.[12] In her case, from Arkansas to "Los Angeles to the Oklahoma City transfer center, and then on to the Pulaski County Jail in Little Rock, Arkansas".[13] .........
I don't know the whole story on this lady but after being "railroaded" by Tennessee justice system I want to work on a non partisan advocacy groups to prevent women in America from becoming "Political Prisoners".

Years ago I traveled a lot & fought for Freedom in communist Russia. Understanding WHY America went to 2 wars for oil and the connection to the Governor of Mississippi is why I believe I spent time in the slammer twice. America, I'm fighting for my Freedom in Tennessee.
This is Rob He Bullied the police. He might not be a bad man, maybe he was just doing what he was told. Scott Becker was head of NISSAN legal/administration at the time.
??? Why did he let the arrest happen. A former Nissan employee identified Mr. Becker as corrupt in April 2010 I emailed that information to Carlos Tavares that same day. ??? Coincidence.

Twice I was taken to jail due to a "sworn out" warrant from a man who I've documented for over a year harassing me. His company NISSAN wasted American Taxpayer money. I became a whistle blower to Carlos Tavares #2 so they would not waste more. I started this blog/website June 2009 because for months those in the Good Ole Boy network in HR would not help me with references of training like they promised. In April and May 2009 I documented numerous times that I wanted to hand over a list of problems. I even sent an email in June to Brad Thacker, Bill Krueger, and Eric Noziere, but nothing happened.
I did get advice from a NISSAN IT guy on internet security "after" I started my blog. ??? Why.

The Nissan Good Ole Boys were mad at me for telling Mr. Tavares about their bad behavior. Later I learned Carlos Tavares the NISSAN #2 could not fire those unethical HR leaders because they were covering the tracks of Carlos Ghosn & his former right hand man Jim Morton. Mr. Morton is connected to Haley Barbour and they did some deals in Mississippi. A viewer of my blog told me money earmarked for Hurricane Katrina was used by NISSAN/Morton/Ghosn (???) for personal gain. Because Carlos Ghosn is linked directly or indirectly this has made my life miserable. I cannot "move on" until resolution happens. Obviously there's a Press Embargo on my "issues". I GET IT!!!! It needs to end so I won't be railroaded in court.
A Nissan Good Ole Boy lawyer called my lawyer, said there was going to be a "special prosecuter" and more warrants were being issued for my arrest. This is AFTER i did time TWICE. Then my lawyer told me he could NOT take my case. then I tried other lawyers and they would not represent me. I had to represent myself in court. A lawyer in the clerks office made a "nasty" comment to me and it was clear this community is mad at me for exposing their dirty laundry.
The warrant is a piece of "fiction" that Rob wrote. FYI- If a Tennessee lawyer wanted to represent me NOW I need to know WHY.
The Nissan lawyer Mr. Baugh was VERY kind after the DA decided that NO special prosecuter would be used. He even taught me how to play the game Angry Birds on his iPhone and told me I could sit in the comfortable chairs since I was "a lawyer" that day.
After the judge (who was fair but could not hear my side of the story due to the type of hearing) dismissed the harassment charge at the preliminary hearing Mr Baugh (the Good Ole Boy lawyer) gave me his card & offered to have me stop by his office for a "chat" and he could
"make this go away".
The fact is I like Mr Baugh the Good Ole Boy lawyer and someday I would love to have coffee with him. He's the ONLY person on the Good Ole Boy team to treat me with RESPECT.
I decided to call my legal counsel (me) the firm of Bold, Bitchy & Bright .
Tennessee I'm not crazy, I'm just creative. IF you taught children in TN classrooms critical thinking techniques maybe YOUR society would be more accepting of diversity and differences.
On Monday "the team" will draft a letter to the DA for a request for CAMERAS in the Courtroom. I believe I will be indicted on October 25th for political reasons.
Sorry Reuter.... another press release. Yes!!! Once again I will tell people that at Nissan North America I was told "Skirts Dont Speak".
America, this whole ordeal is a waste of taxpayer money.
NISSAN should pay back the city of Franklin for the
police officers time. OVER 1/2 dozen police cruisers.
Nissan insiders say "it was a show to discredit me".
I was "abused" the first time I was in jail. NOT fed, not allowed to make a call, put in a cell with a woman accused of assault with a lethal weapon & bruised by the harsh handling. I TRIED to complain to Bruce Bateman but he said they didn't have a form, so I sent him a detailed email. Oddly when I asked for help in protecting my child. They complained about cost. HELLO!!!! Sending over 1/2 dozen officers to deal with an unarmed relo consultant, It's terrifying.
That said; If I get the CSR job and can "make change" I want the City of Franklin to pay 100k to start The NISSAN Skirts Speak foundation. In return I will not file any charges against the city and Franklin could look a bit better in the book.

YES!!!! I'm going to write a book about my 16 month fight against the NISSAN Good Ole Boys to help pay for my "little skirts" college education. ??? How can I get a job when HR did not do there job. They did NOT help me w/ my references instead they bullied me.
The NISSAN the Skirts Speak Foundation is project I want to create for CSR. designed to empower women in the south and ALL over the world to "Expect More & Be More".

Mr. Tavares we have to turn this disaster into lemonade,NOW!!!
My "strategy" for Freedom is Tennessee is letting the world know, maybe at the same time I can communicate this:

America is on the verge of giving the keys
to the country back to those that destroyed our economy. I'm scared & fighting back.
NiHaoCHINA Thought Buy some Tennessee bonds. This way when I hear "another" insensitive comment about Chinese people in Tennessee I can respond by saying:
"Be nice ??? didn't you know 'they' own us."
General Obligation Bond - GO What Does General Obligation Bond - GO Mean? A municipal bond backed by the credit and "taxing power" of the issuing jurisdiction rather than the revenue from a given project. Investopedia explains General Obligation Bond - GO
General obligation bonds are issued with the belief that a municipality will be able to repay its debt obligation through taxation or revenue from projects. No assets are used as collateral.
*************************************************************NiHaoCHINA General Obligation Bond - GO
CHINA General Obligation Bond - GO
CHINA General Obligation Bond - GO
Triple-A Tennessee Readies GOs
Plans $213M for Capital Projects Thursday, October 7, 2010
BRADENTON, Fla. — Tennessee will bring its fourth deal in six weeks to market on Wednesday with the competitive sale of $213.3 million of tax-exempt general obligation bonds.

If REAL jobs are NOT created and if Tennessee does NOT create a welcoming envirment and If the schools do NOT become on par with other states. Then TAXES are going up, somehow. ??? Maybe "stealth" taxes (like user fees, see Stealth Skirt Stikes). Years ago somebody said "Read My Lips No New Taxes"..... The truth is for job creation EVERYBODY needs to pay "a little" educated people know that money spent on education and the creation of a new industry (like clean energy) that money spent will create NEW jobs. Tennessee is borrowing too much money and I worry that there is NO plan for success.
Too many "average" citizens don't get it in reference to having to pay back the bond debt. Bond money is NOT free money and that money needs to be spent wisely. We need to educate people on what politicians are doing by playing games using our hard earned taxpayer dollars.

Tennesseans need to be Welcoming of All people and ALL cultures. Lots of states are competing for business. If you read ROOM SERVICE on this website you'll see that "kindness" matters.
My name is Sharyn Bovat and I'm a fiscal conservative who believes in the need and government support of the Electric Car. I also believe that spending money on infrastructure that creates clean energy protects the air that we breathe is money well spend. That said: I abhor congressional pork projects. When conservative republicans insert them into bills I'm disgusted for their hypocrisy.
"Wild thought" Gillespie and Rove "get it" on the need to change energy sources in America and they want to "stall" the progress untill their friends can control the white house & their business friends can "invest in energy". They will use the Reagan strategy in 2012 to make America financially strong again.
The problem is America needs success NOW!!!!
In 1992 I was asked to spend a day with the TN Senator Lamar Alexander because he was a possible contender for the white house (read To Senator Alexander TN). Back then I was impressed with him because "he's smart" he spoke with respect for all people. I believe he's a person who see's the big picture. I was mad at him about his comments during the health care debate but nobodies perfect and he has the courage to be a team member and not be a "total roadblock" in the US Senate. Mr. Alexander has/is support for legistlation on education and clean energy.
End Roadblocks Make Success Happen in America Today

Americans and Tennesseans need to Think Before they Vote. Because groups created by brilliant Bush operatives
control the "purse strings" of republican candidates & they control how they vote. Michael Steele is still Chairman of the RNC for reason. Think Failure for Power. Amazingly two strategic genious are using money from unknown sources
might (once again) control the puppet strings after the mid term elections.
Jobs will not be created in Tennessee and if they "stop" funding infrastrucure for the EV that will be as planned by Haley Barbour who wants to be president in 2012 "A failed Obama program". Those that will suffer will be Nissan shareholders who have to pay back a loan for over 1 Billion dollars and hundreds of millions granted for charging stations is wasted. Nissan emplooyee's who will lose their jobs and the Tennessee people who will have to pay back interest on state bonds issued. As usual it's the "average" guy that suffers.
Again, my name is Sharyn Bovat and understanding "average" is my thing. America we need to wake-up and fight for reasonable leadership. Do not vote for anyone who was been a cement roadblock to President Obama. I've accepted that Marsha Blackburn is going to win. The district pure RED. We need to tell her to be a little more "open minded" for TN job creation.
For those in Tennessee that have told me they want the president to fail because you don't want a black president...lots of people in the "red state south" feel this way. GET OVER IT. Good Ole Boys, you lost the civil war & it's time to move on. Please read Good Ole Boy Mindset at
Thank you for listening!!!! Sharyn Bovat 615-415-6675
The Invasion of Kuwait was "staged" to help stimulate the economy & those NOT christian paid for it. Dick Cheney knew Saddam was a vicious tyrant but we did NOT go to Baghdad in the early 90's simply to keep the price of the barrel high. Dick Cheney became President of Haliburton & made 94,000,000.00. ??? Who are those secret donors trying to take over congress
Think Before You Vote
Join me in my Fight for Human Decency
in America
America needs Team Work!!!!

Love Cars
Love People
Love the Planet
President Sarkozy,
"If" Haley Barbour becomes president of the United States in 2012 I will need political asylum, preferably in St. Germain Des Pres. I've already documented in a letter to the French Consulate in Atlanta that in 2003 I was ostrasized in Tennessee for drinking Bordeaux at a time of war. If YOU think I was exagerating for the amount of disdain against the French in the south read below.
Sir, I Respect ALL People and my goal is to lead CSR at the "new" NISSAN (in a destination OUT of Tennessee)
TN has a lot of great people so when Mr. Tavares takes over NISSAN and the changes to the corporate code of conduct is are implemented good things will happen at NISSAN North America.
That said: Tennessee is pro gun & the Franklin police seem to be on the Good Ole Boy team and I'm terrified. People have told me to "pack heat". Yes!!! it's just a percentage of the community & people can change. I plan on helping make 1 corporate culture. That's been on this blog for almost a year. Mr. Tavares never would have emailed me several months ago had that not been happening. He knows this website will come down when he tells me. Helping with positive change & helping Mr. Sproule with ideas on a message to communicate to the American people to "Go Electric" is what I want to do. I'd just like to "Make that Happen" from a distance.
Raese Touts Constitution, Capitalism
October 9, 2010 - By JOSELYN KING Political Writer
Raese said he believes the Obama administration is pushing America toward socialism.
"We been waiting around to become France, and we've become France," Raese commented, noting socialism "doesn't work."
"If we don't change our direction in the next four years, the capital of our country might as well be Paris. That is scary."

"I told Carlos Tavares during his relocation I was a Maverick; America you should have seen the look in his eyes. The only other time his eyes popped like that was when I told him I loved my Honda" Sharyn Bovat
The reason I have so much respect for Mr. Tavares is after my bold statement Mr. Tavares was not rude to me; instead he asked WHY.
I believe he'll make NISSAN what is once was, a company known for QUALITY cars.
NISSAN During this Battle of Human Decency I’ve given the Nissan #2 a “warning” of incoming missiles. As a courtesy I will do the “alert” instead on this website. ??? Why ao publically,
I can’t email Mr. Tavares for fear of going to jail a 3rd time.
Recently I saw that Scott Becker is speaking at the: 34th Annual Joint Meeting of the Southeast U.S./Japan and the Japan-U.S. Southeast Associations (SEUS/Japan).
The fact that man is representing NISSAN knowing he oversaw legal when I was unjustly arrested disgusts me and I will organized a "very" public PEACEFUL protest during the event if needed.
Sir, having this Battle for Human Decency is NOT good for NISSAN and it’s NOT good for Japanese business. The fact is in America Women don’t buy products/cars from companies they don’t trust.
NISSAN too many people know about my website and YOU’RE hurting the entire branch.
It would be “odd” if the first person in her family to buy a foreign made car and was ridiculed for doing so was the person that triggered the next BUY AMERICAN trend.
I remember when the last push for buying American cars happened (I think George H. Bush was president). I can actually envision “brilliant” minds twisting my battle of human decency to ignite this movement. The economy is the same and people need a scapegoat
Mr. Tavares that would NOT be fair to Toyota and Honda. Plus the goal is for jobs to be created in Tennessee.
Sir, I would like some RESPECT. It’s about time. I know I said I'd wait till "change" is happened, but Ghosn's Good Ole Boys have hurt me too much. This needs to end.
Respectful Regards,
Sharyn Bovat 615-415-6675
I was unjustly arrested “twice” The local paper The Tennessean has NOT covered my story. I fear by the media being “silenced” I’ve lost my rights as an America.
What happened to me In America should NEVER happen again to anyone.
Mr. Ghosn,
Sorry Sir, I cannot be quiet any name is Sharyn Bovat & I was considered one of the top relocation consultants in middle Tennessee.
" On the executive floor at NISSAN North America I was told Skirts Don't Speak "
Some of Ghosn's people wasted American Taxpayer money during the relocation to Tennessee & I asked ??? WHY. Th
e man pictured at the right asked Congress for over 1 Billion US dollars of "hard earned" taxpayer money, to be used on a project that many in management at Nissan North America did NOT believe in.
People in Tennessee "thought" the Electric Car would be a
"Failed Obama Program". They did NOT care about making the LEAF a car that AMERICANS would want to buy. I sent Mr.Tavares emails in the summer of 2009 complaining about the design and told him it would NOT appeal to "average" America. On this website I've expressed my desire for America to be "less" dependant on foreign oil. Those at Nissan North America did not "speak up" on the design. The money for infrastructure will be wasted if the EV is not successful.
In Tennessee I asked ??? Why take OVER 1 Billion dollars to build a battery plant for something you do NOT believe. "There was nothing you can do about it" was the response, with a "smirk". A Good Ole Boy Network dominates Nissan North America HR, their buddies would make money "building" the battery plant.
Working in relocation for years I knew money was made in real estate by "locals" making purchases before the official announcement that Nissan was moving to Tennessee.
Then I found out Ghosn's right hand man who "pushed for the move to Tennessee" Jim Morton had connections to Haley Barbour the Governor of Mississippi, who's connected to right wing extremist that do NOT want money spent on EV infrastructure and those that have profited from America's wars I told Mr. Tavares. Viewers of my website gave me "tips" about LLC's and deals made. One viewer alleges Hurrican Katrina money was used. Problems have been posted on my public website for OVER a year.
After I started to tell Carlos Tavares problems I was called into 4 meetings with HR. 2 on the executive floor with the Vice President. ??? Why would the most powerful HR leader meet with a relo consultant "twice". I was offered money to be silent. I posted that fact this blog in June 2009 & if it were NOT true Nissan would have sued me for slander.
On this blog "hours" after I posted the name Dominique Thormann on my blog in July 9th 2009 on early in the morning of July 10th 2009 a press release went out saying he was going back to PARIS. The letter from Nissan legal drafted used by members of the Good Ole Boy network to have me arrested in July 2010 was ordered by "senior management" on July 7th, 2009. On July 6th 2009 I "implied" on this blog that I would be disclosing the name of the bad spender of American taxpayer dollars.

Bottome Line: Those that I have documented for OVER a year harassing me in retaliation for my whistle blowing used a letter that was requested by the guy sent back to Paris
Sharyn took this photo July 7th 2010. Rob used a photo copy of a letter dated July 7th 2009 & he "swore out a warrant". Nissan employees contacted me and told me the security tape would be "wiped" clean (I hope the DA did a subpeona). Employee's that watched my arrest reached out and they knew I was "simply sitting in the lobby".
For the record, I "never" received the original letter, In late July 2009 I was handed a photo copy of that letter by Rob and he greeted me at NISSAN with a bunch of guys standing by their Titan Trucks. All wearing sunglasses on a cloudy day. Rob's hair was even a "different" color. He did NOT want to give me his name and he knew what he was doing was WRONG!!! I went to the office that day in 2009 ONLY to get a letter for my future landlord, a letter I had requested numerous times.
Nissan HR for MONTHS had not helped me with references like they had promised, making it impossible to find a position at the "same" rate as my consulting. They treated me poorly because I told Mr. Tavares about problems including: The reduction of women in management. Nissan had 21% in California~14% after the move to Tennessee~10% after the "Good Ole Boy" network dominated.
I was told that Mr. Tavares could NOT fire those in the Good Ole Boy network till Ghosn was Gone. Then viewers of my blog helped me "connect the dots to Mississippi".
When I have my day in court I will "tell all". I've told the truth and that is why this website has been up for 16 months. That said: Reuter..... Be NICE.
Carlos Tavares knows that this website will come down when he tells me to take it down and several months ago when "he" emailed me. He did NOT tell me to do that..
For OVER a year I've blogged about bad spending at Nissan and my desire for Human Decency at NISSAN.
Sharyn Bovat
"Gonna Make A Change For Once In My Life" Michael Jackson
Reuter, I'd like to teach YOU the definition of RESPECT!!!
??? Did Jalopnik “break” the press EMBARGO!!!
FREEDOM of the Press is “what” America is about!!!
Where’s the PRESS…oops pardon the pun!!!
This Woman Was Arrested After Whistle-Blowing On Nissan
Jalopnik (blog) - 5 hours ago Sharyn Bovat was hired by Nissan North America in January 2009 to help relocate corporate executives, a job she had done as an outside consultant. ..
This website has been up since June 4th, 2009.
I've got the "facts" and wanted to hand over a list of unethical behavior in March 2009.
Nissan this is "ridiculas" let's end it.... & Have a Great Day!!!
“As we look ahead into the next century,
leaders will be those who empower others.”
The words of Bill Gates
TN Segregation Issue:
“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” John Wayne
NISSAN, I'm fighting for "human decency". What happened to me by YOUR unethical, corrupt and discriminating HR was morally wrong. ??? is "change" happening :) :) Sharyn
My name is Sharyn Bovat and I learned from Mr. Tavares #2 globally at NISSAN during his relocation to Tennessee that he wanted success and was sent to solve problems. Mr. Tavares originally wanted to reorganize NISSAN from the bottom up ( a reverse triangle) He wanted to spend time with employees in the plants and office workers that deal directly with the customer. In Franklin he quickly learned the "not the brightest" held top positions at the company and I told him "my thought" The problem was a Good Ole Boy network dominated HR after the company moved from California to Tennessee, instead of hiring the BEST they hired their unqualified buddies. Kickbacks and favoritism is common in the South.
In May 2009 I was told Carlos Tavares wanted to "get rid" of corrupt HR that discriminated but he could not and I found out WHY. More important during that time I learned that Mr. Tavares was going to be "set up" to take the blame for the problems at NISSAN North America.
NISSAN for the last few years the company is having an "Internal Battle of Control" the boardroom battles included the Electric Car, Expansions, The alliance, and more. Some high level leaders of the #3 car company in Japan started "internal alliances" Some board members were playing "games" kind of like the TV show Survivor. They relocated people like "chess pieces" to form their 'power base' Because I was one of the top relocation consultants in Middle Tennessee I had a front row seat at this "cross cultural auto war" I saw a LOT of bad spending at NISSAN and they were wasting American taxpayer money and that bothered me so I found out WHY.
The NISSAN Good Ole Boys were aligned with a board member fighting for future leadership, one that would protect thier jobs. They gave "luxury" perks to executives that played on their alliance. NISSAN HR used AMERICAN taxpayer money to fund this internal 'international power grab' and pay for extravagant goodies. My job was to help some of them spend and when I asked it certain spending was OK it was with Good Ole Boy HR.
Before I even met Mr. Tavares I learned the Good Ole Boys feared Carlos Tavares for he had a reputation for being "by the book". For that reason I scared HR because I had asked about "hidden cost centers". They made threats to me during 4 meetings with HR (2 on the executive floor). Worse when questioning bad spending I was told "Skirts Don't Speak". NISSAN's own internal data shows the Good Ole Boys got rid of 30% of women in management. Women in management in CA 21% then 14% after the move to TN and then in 2009 10%... ouch!!!
When employees at NISSAN told me about problems I listened then I researched the facts and then I TOLD TAVARES. The bad behaviour at NISSAN was at the very TOP level , bad spending originated from the CEO's office in Tokyo.
Mr. Tavares took on the challenge of making "change"
That was truly brave....
What impresses me is he did this knowing that his boss was part of the blame because some of the people that Ghosn aligned with acted not in the best interest of NISSAN but in their "personal" best interest. Their decisions hurt the lives of many hardworking NISSAN employees and cost the company it's reputation for quality cars. Mr. Ghosn hired Jim Morton and he put him in charge of the USA. Jim Morton connected with right wing extremists made business decisions based on short term gain/personal greed/ discrimination thus leading the Shift_ of NISSAN that created a "downward spiral. Had Mr. Tavares not quickly responded during the economic crisis it was possible Japan might have had "only" 2 car global car companies.
GET IT!!! NISSAN had LOTS of problems. Too many bad decisions based on bad "Good Ole Boy" data. I told Mr. Tavares I wanted "real" jobs created in Tennessee. From what I've seen it's happening NOW!!!
I believe Carlos Tavares can lead NISSAN in a way that is respectful to the American people and respectful to our hard earned taxpayer dollars. I've seen a lot of bad behavior at NISSAN and I never would have fought so hard for "change" had I not believed in my heart 100% that Mr. Tavares could do it.
Have A Great Weekend!!! Sharyn
Seriously, my life as a whistle blower is miserable and I’m begging for people to share my story. I was told “skirts Don’t Speak” at Nissan north America and the problems are “real”. I
“Identify your problems but give your power and energy to solutions.” Tony Robbins
Marsha, Marsha, Marsha....
As soon as this "Battle for Human Decency" is over I'm checking myself into a Holistic/Organic Spa for a week. There's one in the caribbean that will be "void" of the Good Ole Boy element. Yeah!!! You won't believe this but my passport expired during The Girl in the Black Honda part of my life. When I went to renew it the lady at the postoffice was kind and she told me to ensure that I get my passport back I should contact YOU. She said you were good to your consituants and you help a lot of people with their passports. OK...That said I will be "brief" about my Tea Party rant.
Mrs. Blackburn. A lot of well meaning angry taxpayers have taken on Tea Party status. That group has been taken over by professional political operatives and they raise money to "fund" politicians that those giving are not aware of. Tea Party members don't want to give their hard earned dollars to war profiteers that support legistlation for Big Business and not the people.
Also, the members use different rhetoric for different states, in some states racist "undertones" are common. That element can "infect" those that are there simply participating because their angry at the economy. Please....distance yourself from that movement.
I've seen good people become "verbal" racist after they move to Tennessee. The culture here is different than in other states. Many peeople in Tennessee have had limited exposure to the world. They've only traveled with the military (to fight someone) or with their church (to save someone). They do not have the concept of accepting people for "who" they are. They want to "change" them.
My mission is Respet for ALL People. Please make a statement about globalization and it's Good for America to be World citizens. Please tell your political followers in Tennessee that It's fantastic to be christian and to love god. Yet they need to be respectful of those not christian. Please tell people at te rallies you speak at to NOT carry signs that are even "slightly" racist. Please tell people NOT to forward unkind jokes about people of different cultures. With you leading the message of "Human Decency" it can happen in Tennessee. If people "get it" and are respectful MORE companies will want to move here without being "Paid". Your help is needed.
Also, if possible can you "cut back" on the "Roadblocks" congress is creating for President Obama. I think the guys trying to create jobs and jobs are needed NOW. I know it benifits the republicans to wait till 2012 for American success (so you can take back the white house). The republicans plan to continue to "halt/stall " bills that will provide job creation & relief to the middle class. This won't stop after midterms. Trust me.... They'll wait till 2012 and it's wrong!!!
Marsha Blackburn, America should come first and we want success NOW!!!
??? Will you help me wih my passport. 615-415-6675
Thank you ,
Sharyn Bovat
Love Cars~Love People~Love the Planet
??? Mr. Sproule Are "we"playing ball ??? Maybe it's BEST if were on the "same" team As my readers know I always ask questions and years ago I asked several of the 'top" political minds this question ??? How do you defeat the "entrenched encumbant". The answer: The way to "win" is to get to the heart of the voter by bringing up "excess". For the record I have respect for Carlos Ghosn, I've never met him. I've heard he has "limited time" due to his "work load". Based on that I can assume problems happened in America because "he" dropped the ball. Luckily being "SAVVY" he was smart enough to send Carlos Tavares to retreve it. In my opinion Nissan was on the "verge" of going down like the Titanic & he was going to leave the keys to NISSAN to Mr. Saikawa for he teamed up with corrput HR and would have "covered Ghosn's tracks" & those of Mr. Morton. I've fought so hard because he would have kept the Good Ole Boys. They're corrupt & discriminate.
Good News!!! Mr. Tavares "saved the ship" and stopped the sinking of the SSNISSAN. If Mr Tavares were to "run" for President of NISSAN :) :) and "if" I got to lead the message to "ensure" his victory, this is an "attack ad" I would publish. I "believe" in winning using "the truth". For that is "ethical".
Carlos Ghosn Knows...
Knows how many jobs he has.....
By Taku Kato and Minh Bui - Jul 1, 2010
The following table is a listing of Japan’s top 50 highest paid executives in fiscal 2009. All figures are in millions of yen.
Executive Company Ticker Total
Carlos Ghosn Nissan Motor Co. 7201 891
Howard Stringer Sony Corp. 6758 815
Yoshitoshi Kitajima Dai Nippon Printing Co. 7912 787
Banjiro Uemura Tohokushinsha Film Corp. 2329 675
Alan MacKenzie Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. 4502 553
Chihiro Kanagawa Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. 4063 535
America and the World (Welcome Senegal)
My name is Sharyn Bovat & I "used" to be one of the TOP relocation consultant in Middled Tennessee. In the winter of 2009 I told the 2nd most powerful man at Nissan Globally about discrimination, corruption and wasteful spending of taxpayer money. Because I became a whistle blower members of a southern Good Ole Boy network have harassed me and made my life miserable. I've lived in Tennessee for 9 years and those in the community with racist comments and bad business practices "got on my nerves" so this California girl decided to FIGHT BACK for Fairness. I guess you could say I had my "Kathy Bates Fried Green Tomato Moment". If you read this blog you'll understand why America went to "2" wars for oil and WHY the country needs to Speak Up!!! Please take off your shoes and "get comforable" and keep reading.
Have A Great Day!!! Sharyn

I'm NOT a typical "Blue State Liberal" as some would believe for I'm a Former Reagan Republican & the other day when I heard a member of the community say "some 'chick' has a communist blog" that got me MAD. FYI-Williamson County Tennessee years ago I went to Leningrad Russia as a "foot soldier" to help END communism & the next person that calls me a communist "I'll CRUSH" .... Trust Me!!! Marsha Blackburn ??? Would YOU like to have coffee and "hash out" what the word communist means. ??? Why do people in "red" states use it randomly as an "insult" kind of like the word "gay" or "crazy" especially when they do NOT know what it means. ??? Why do people think President Obama is a Socialist. ??? Marsha maybe we can "define" that word too. It seems like there's too much ridiculas rhetoric in the south and I think I know WHY Call Sharyn at 615-415-6675 or email Sharyn at
In 1993 Sharyn Bovat was in Dallas and attended a BBQ. Less than 20 people were there and she had it confirmed that using religion & the less educated were part of the long term strategy to “Take OVER the Republican Party”.
That night those politicos that were aligned w/the Reagan moderates in the party were jockeying for positions w/ the
“winners” of the 1992 Republican party's "Internal Battle of Control" & Sharyn made quite an impression with the victors when she “spoke up” about the “bad spending” of the head of the FBI. The man sitting next to her said “that’s my dad”.
Congressman Pete Sessions of Texas (R) ??? Remember Me :) :)
The Invasion of Kuwait was
"staged" to help stimulate the economy & those NOT christian paid for it. Dick Cheney knew Saddam was a vicious tyrant but we did NOT go to Baghdad in the early 90's simply to keep the price of the barrel high. Dick Cheney became President of Haliburton & made 94,000,000.00
American/NISSAN Good Ole Boys ??? WANT MORE
That said:
Ranting Right wing Red state Republicans w/Reagan Rhetoric are Really Racist Extremist Educated Elitist Abusing Average Angry Americans for Professional Politicians have Pirated the tea Party for Personal Profit. They’re Taking Advantage of the American taxpayer Advocates. Conservatives in Congress want to Control the Campaign Cash for they Care about the Countries Corporations & the Concerned Credit Crunched Citizens will Continue to get Cheney Chump Change.
NISSAN Understanding “when” I get the CSR job I will no longer be able
to “spout” my political thoughts so I’m Getting it ALL out NOW!!!
Have A Great Day!!!! Sharyn
Love Cars~Love People~Love the Planet
NOW you know the "book" The Stealth Skirt will be about the strategy Failure for Power
Coming Soon!!! The Red State Refugee Road Trip &
"Gonna make a change for once in my life"..... Michael Jackson

Let's End the Ghosn Era of "Let Them Eat Cake"

The Stealth Skirt
Sharyn Bovat was told “Skirts Don’t Speak”
At Nissan North America her emotions did Pique
If you read Sharyn and the Z
You’d know she was a vendor for the King of Tea
Knowing the problems at Nissan were big
With tips from employees she started to dig
An internal battle of control at Nissan was brewing
Greg Kelly did not like what Sharyn the “skirt” was doing
Bovat learned the bad economy was a tool
They wanted someone named Carlos to look like a fool
Tavares trusted Sharyn for problems to look
All the corruption documented will be in Bovat’s book
Bovat connected problems to politics in Mississippi
Then the Nissan “bad boys” in HR got a little Grumpy
When a viewer told Sharyn Hurricane Katrina $$$ was used
For putting that on her blog, Bovat was abused
They had an 18 month plan that included the EV to fail
Bovat uncovered something so big she spent time in jail
Racism and Greed is what "right wing" extremism is all about
America that’s how Sharyn understood HR's Mark Stout
A Southern Good Ole Boy network wasted taxpayer money
They turned Tennessee into a land of milk and honey
Sharyn’s “Prisoner in cell block H” moments were not at all fun
Too many supporters blame Bovat’s treatment on Mr. Jim Morton
For longtime workers & shareholders at Nissan the move to Tennessee was not a win
Morton and Ghosn profited personally from a strategy learned by moving Michelin
New Nissan HR ousted talented performers & the gays they did hate
Jim Morton wanted the company to leave California saying it was a “godless” state
Good News!!! Sharyn heard NISSAN’s Ghosn was Going
She hopes that means no more whistle blowing
Sharyn is tired of Good Ole Boys and their greed
She wants to work & move on, let NISSAN succeed
So the “Girl in the Black Honda” is getting ready to park
Now that she caught a multi-cultural shark
Have A Great Day!!!! J J Sharyn
Love Cars~Love People~Love the Planet
Over 500,000 hits on this website, 2 arrest, 3 court appearances, 3 press releases and NO local reporting on the story. I don't need a "chalkboard" to compare this to communism. Glenn Beck is WRONG!!! It's the RED states that connect the dots to loss of FREEDOM. Two "Think Tanks" read The Girl in The Black Honda.
NISSAN knowingly moved a number of employees to Tennessee
with the knowledge that they would be fired within a year.
“In a series of planning meetings in which decisions of outsourcing various functions were made the company decided that India would take over much of the call center volume would not be ready until some 8-10 months after the move to Tennessee was completed and it was brought to the attention of Jim Morton (Mr. Ghosn's right hand-man) that Nissan would be moving some 60-70 employees, and then firing them when the Indian company came on-line. People pointed out to Morton that it was morally and ethically wrong to move people 1800 miles from their homes, only to fire them within a year. Morton's response to comments "we can't afford the disruption to our business."
"The sleazy, corrupt executives that worked out this move for personal reasons could never understand what they destroyed and what they delivered to their competitors."
"the NISSAN move to Tennessee was just as stressful as watching a loved one die of cancer."
"Nissan got rid of MANY of the transplants through
intimidation, demotions and all-out firings."
"This is the team that amazed the automotive world, saved a legendary brand, established Infiniti as a true luxury performance brand and soared to historic profits."
Above are comments from viewers human beings that care(d) about NISSAN, some words were changed to protect the identity of the viewer. The "first" thought has been expressed by several differnt viewers & I'm not the only one WRONGED by a Good Ole Boy network that was led by Jim Morton. Bottom line Carlos Ghosn put him in charge and he's responsible. Ghosn MUST Go!!!
My name is Sharyn Bovat
I respect ALL people.
??? Maybe NISSAN it's time YOU did the same.
More Voices From NISSAN soon... Its Real and it's SAD.
"The dramatic difference of opinions from viewers about my 'Labor Day thought' tell me that America is divided culturally into "2" the blue states vs red states. For years socialy I've heard comments that slander prominent females in our society & now when I spoke up about Good Ole Boy networks and racism I'm being slandered in a similar fashion, sadly it's true women that 'speak up' in the south against the establishment are ridiculed & demeaned" ...Sharyn Bovat aka The NISSAN Whistleblower
This Quote is taken from the blog created to communicate the message of problems in the school due to a “Good Ole Boy” network in the Williamson County.
“I used to do International relocation and you'd be amazed at the comments made about some of my clients who were professionals…….Some days I just shake my head and say now you know why it's difficult to find white sheets at TJMaxx. It's just part of the culture. It's difficult to digest but people get used to it, Sadly.” .... Sharyn Bovat
"It’s a global economy and EVERYONE needs to participate. Diversity in 'thought' is the key that turns on innovation" ... Sharyn

??? Why did Rob give me a photo copy of a letter drafted on July 7th 2009 in late July 2009.
??? Why did I not get the original.
??? Why did Carlos Tavares meet with me in May "after" Mark Stout had me kicked out of the building on numerous occasions in March.
??? Why did a NISSAN IT person help me after I started my website in June.
??? Why did my emails NOT bounce back, I was told that when Mr. Tavares was "done" with me they would.
??? Why did Mark Stout disappear from the list of Bio's on the NISSAN USA website then reappear
after I questioned the absense.
??? Who was that man of Latin decent sitting with Rob all day yesterday,
??? Why is Rattner moving his book release up to September 20th.
FYI- I've said for over a year I've been followed and harassed. Yesterday I asked Rob about all the Titan trucks that had men standing guard that day in July when all I wanted was a reference letter to get into my apartment. Literally in the parking lot in front of the building a bunch of Titan Trucks and their owners, staring at me. It was scary.
I talked to a guy in California and he said at Toyota you would not drive to the HQ and see men standing by their Tundras.
??? WHY did that happen.
??? WHY did Rob say I was deemed by management a "high" security risk, yet Mr. Tavares still communicated with me.
??? WHAT kind of "high" security risk is an unarmed relocation consultant and WHY did the taxpayers spend money for over 1/2 dozen police cruisers to arrest her.
??? Why is this website "still" up.
Maybe it's ALL connected to this:
In court Rob read a letter that was drafted on July 7th 2009, saying I was NOT welcome at NISSAN and this letter was written at the direction of senior management.
Interesting, It was written the day after I put on this blog that "the man that spoke to congress to get over a billion of hard earned American taxdollars was a 'bad' spender.". On July 9th, 2009 I put that mans name on this blog for about 6 hours from 10pm-4am (just for Paris and Tokyo). On July 10th, 2009 a press release was issued that Senior Vice President Dominique Thormann was being replaced.
My name is Sharyn Bovat and I told the truth!!!... I've been bullied by a Good Ole Boy Network & arrested for retaliation from whistle blowing.
What happened to me was WRONG!!! I WANT MY REPUTATION BACK
"Let's Get This Party Started"... Hannah Montana

Tennessee spent an average of $155,000 usd per job created by the relocation of NISSAN
They used taxpayer money & the American Taxpayer will be disgusted to learn the Truth about "how" it was spent.
This Website is about: "RESPECT for All People" an innovative idea :) :)
NISSAN It's just a matter of time
for change
Welcome Jalopnik Viewers!!!
I’m A woman Born in the USA self described as Bold~Bitchy~Bright named Sharyn Bovat aka by Jalopnik AUTO Bloggers a “Batshit BabE” I’m Battling for Better Behavior at NISSAN North America. Bovat lost her American rights By a Good Ole Boy network & she’s Battling a Press Embargo too. Bovat Believes By Browsing my website it’s Beautiful Thanks Jalopnik.
Viewers please help me in my
"fight for human decency".
My mission is: Respect For All People. Please email your member of congress & tell your friends to call NISSAN 615-725-1000 and tell them Sharyn spoke for the American taxpayer.
In my heart I believe that ALL Americans want our hard earned taxpayer dollars loaned/granted/given to corporations that do NOT discriminate & give "goodies" to executives using taxpayer money.
I did not like the Tennessee taxpayers paying for an execs wife to fly business class each month over a ocean, even while the company had a ban on travel and while hardworking people in Franklin were forced to take "unpaid" vacation. That luxury perk "alone" cost TN about 75-80K a year and it went on about 2 years until I asked why. At Tennessee taxpayer expense I was hired to find a spa for a VP to get "oxygen facials". That money could have been spent for the children ??? maybe education.
Because I questioned wasteful spending on the executive floor at NISSAN North America about excess spending for perks to executives using Tennessee taxpayer dollars I was harassed and bullied for over a year. My life as a whistle blower is miserable.
I''ve fought back and NOW those in a southern based Good Ole Boy network in the community are attacking me. They swore out a warrant to have me arrested. This is morally WRONG!!!
My name is Sharyn Bovat & I have court Sept. 7th and I'm truly TERRIFIED of being railroaded (again) by those that fear me for questioning their "bad" spending.
Tennessee took away my American rights because a "Good Ole Boy" network had too much power. PLEASE HELP!!!
Thank You & Have A Great Weekend!!! Sharyn 615-415-6674

NISSAN Gave America a "Lemon" and they used OUR taxpayer money to pay for it.
My Name is Sharyn Bovat and I fought for the American taxpayer. By becoming a whistleblower to the future CEO of NISSAN Carlos Tavares
Good News!!! America will NOW see the money given/loaned/granted for the EV to NISSAN used properly. Mr. Tavares.....Thank You!!!
Mr. Ghosn, YOU disgust ME. I've been through hell proving "the point" that the EV is needed and YOUR friends tell me they LOVE my website for it is helped YOU get more government money/support for EV start up costs. Then I learned that YOU are playing on "two" teams and I've been told YOU profited personally with your "friend" Jim Morton who is connected to the perceived corrupt governor of Mississippi who is a racist & a right wing extremist. Some at NISSAN profited using hurricane Katrina money. How YOU treated hardworking employees at NISSAN was morally wrong. Get this!!! I heard some might get "indited" WOW!!!! If that happens I look forward to seeing the American justice department take action against corporate corruption and I hope they address the "Good Ole Boy" problem in Tennessee.
From 'Day 1' I said the American people should NOT fund a corporate battle of control. Especially for a company owned by the Japanese and French.
NISSAN this "disgrace" could be what triggers the Buy American trend. Too many in America & the world are reading this website.
This Battle of Control for the leadership at NISSAN needs to end. NOW!!! Image is Everything!!!
??? Mr. Tavares, Do I have to do "Everything"
??? WHY is it that AMERICA has to do ALL the fighting.
??? Maybe it's time for "global teamwork".

My name is Sharyn Bovat and I told Carlos Tavares about wasteful spending of taxpayer money, discrimination and corruption that was being done by a "Good Ole Boy" network that took over HR & Legal at NISSAN North America after NISSAN moved the USA HQ to Tennessee from California.
America, I proved to be telling the TRUTH...over a year ago & Mr Tavares has "controlled" the excess spending. Yet the "Good Ole Boys" are NOT gone. Worse, because I'm a whistleblower living in a small town my life is miserable. many people in the community "profited with "insider" information.
June 2009 I wrote that business and politics are entangeled in America. Several months ago I wrote "why" I'm so passionate about this battle for human decency.
This was written before I learned Ghosn was a Good Ole Boy. In April a friend of Ghosns told me that the NISSAN leader LOVED my website for i was proving the need for America to "go electric" then he made a comment that "intrigued" me. That comment along with "tips" from readers spurred a discovery that confirmed the reason why those that are unethical are still in HR and Legal Carlos Ghosn was connected to the "Good Ole Boys". His friend he brought over from Michelin to lead North America did some deals. He did those with right wing extremist. The Good Ole Boys were needed in HR and Legal to "cover their tracks" and they did that by taking away my rights as an American.
Before I start this..... early on I gave Mr. Tavares some pictures. I trusted Carlos Tavares because he "impressed" me with his business ethics. Read on....
Readers: For those of YOU too young to remember the 80's that era it was a time of curiosity, adventure and "change"
Sharyn Bovat was an undecover “airhead” in the 80's and in the 90's a freelance friendly fixture. read my biography at My role was to ask questions and understand WHY.
Using “valley” speak people “thought” I was NOT the brightest.
Below is an example of a conversation in the middle east.
“Like Wow....Fer sure..I’ve never met a ‘journalist’ with such a nice home”.
??? “You like have how many servants”
My “thought” Maybe I should become a Lebanese “journalist".... it seems to provide a better lifestyle than American “tourist”.
??? Like ...I totally don’t get it... why did we like NOT go to Bagdad if Saddam is like so "monster" bad.
??? What’s like an embargo..I’m like totally confused... Valley speak got me the answer on the embargo question. WOW!!! "Like saying you can’t like play on our playground.” ??? Why would America like want an embargo.
I found out WHO “paid” for the war.....Americans were “mercenaries” for a mid east “turf war”. One that had been brewing for generations yet never happened until the “Greedy Good Ole Boys” led by Dick Cheney he “triggered” the shot that woke up a “sleeping giant”.
Think about this.... If the US government “banned” German cars from America then the price of luxury cars from Japan would increase. It’s basic economics.. WOW!!!
??? Why did we get mad at the French after 9-11 and after our decision to go to Iraq. ??? Could it be we didn’t want to blame our friends from Saudi and the "red" state ignorant needed a villan. So they communicated it was time to Blame the French. Sadly many in TN did just that. The wine store about a mile from the NISSAN USA HQ stopped selling french wines. We ate Freedom Fries.
America -The Gulf War was a BIG GAME of Gasopoly.
The cost....was teenage blood
I learned A LOT while being a tourist in life.
Fer sure “my thought” I get it......
In Central America I learned a lot more about “deals” making friends in the middle east & bartering is was a LOT to absorb.
All over the world I met great people...who inspire me to SPEAK today.
Bottom line and “my” opinion:
Iraq “thought” we wanted them to “invade”....
Maybe when “W” became president he and his VP “needed Saddam to be silent so keeping and eye out for the “tall guy” was not on the radar and money monitoring the “tall guy” was diverted to watching Iraq. This was BEFORE 9-11.
Then the towers fell and after 9-11 the Greedy Good Ole Boys got their ‘money making plan’ together one that created jobs for companies owned by their “buddies”.
They strategically "twisted” the blame for the Attack on America to Iraq. They gave congress “bad” info.
Congress was desperate for “action” to show they cared to their constituents and they voted to go to War without UN approval. The “Good Ole Boy Greedy” made money Sadly the jobs were in the middle east and lives were lost.
For the record I was just did “low level” research in the 80’s & I believe in my heart Ronald Reagan was focused on ending communism and the “next generation leader (Bush and the boys from texas) started the “nasty” stuff. The people from Texas LOVED oil & weapons.
They LOVED to make money. ??? why not..It’s the American dream. Sadly their dreams came true using the “blood” of our troops and Iraqi children.
Wow!!!!! To “much” info...
Bottom Line: People in the oil and defense industry profited. Hundreds of thousands of innocent children died.
The Clinton administration had a “difficult” congress to deal with after the Contract of America. They could not stop the carnage in Iraq. Saddam was “out of control”. The "average" Iraqi people suffered under the Embargo. ??? Who helped get him there. “think Bush/Cheney”
??? Who could have stopped him in the early 90’s? It’s all about money.... “think Bush/Cheney”.
Seriously Think about this!!!!!
Had Bush #1 wanted success he could have gone to Bagdad. The goal was a “long term embargo” to keep the price of a barrel high. Better for the Good Ole Boys....Businesses profited and others were formed overseas at American taxpayer expenses to keep the back accounts “full” of those aligned with the “Greedy Good Ole Boy Elite”.
I put Haley Barbour and his cronies as lieutenants and his “values” he was a War Profiteer. He was corrupt after katrina. ??? My god....didn't he have ENOUGH money already from. Why take more take. AMERICA don't be ignorant....HELLO do YOU see a trend... Ghosn "buddy" Morton is connected to boards that profited to Katrina and Iraq. Check out "land deals" in Mississippi. He donated "alot" to Barbours efforts and I have MORE!!! LLC's- using Katrina money to benifit a "few" at NISSAN. They took advantage of an African American football player who was retired.It was horrible.... Too many people too much info too many dots connecting the. Also, this has been on MY website for MONTHS and nobody has told me to take it down and I have thousands of hits perday Wanting to "believe" Ghosn was good I chose to "not" publish anything wanting corporate change at NISSAN, Wanting my "life" back. Wanting success for jobs in Tennessee. A "tip" confirming the relationship triggered more research and when I had enough to determine the Good Ole Boys were still in power and harassed me for over a year and had the police take me to jail...just to cover the tracks of so many that have profited from "not good behavior" I realized Ghosn Must Go. He's all about Greens yet a "different" kind. 
America knows WHO “paid” for the 1st Gulf War.....& Dessert Shield.
Americans simply were “mercenaries” for a mid east “turf war”. One that had been brewing for generations yet never happened until the “Greedy Good Ole Boys” led by Dick Cheney “triggered” the shot that woke up a “sleeping giant”.
Looking back President Clinton could have done “amazing” social programs at home that roadblocks stopped.
It’s sad because our country could have been so much better.
This “skirt” blames the underground communications network that the republican extremist created that tainted the minds of those that they called the “mindless minions”. They used simplistic racist rhetoric to “control” red state (working class) America. My opinion is that using "Jesus" and stupidity as a political tool to take "political" control and having people NOT christian pay for it.... is simply "disgusitng". The "Greedy Good Ole Boy Elite" pretended to "be of faith". and attacked people on personal issues. Here's an example: A hypocritical member of congress wanted to "prove" he controlled my life and tried to scare me by slandering me he even talked to someone I was dating, he became a lobbyist.
He did it becaseu I "knew" to much. Yes!!!
I have some Republican Governor stories but
I WON'T GO THERE. ...EVER "thought" Luckily I want a job with a car company and not the Vatican. For the record I never broke a law and never did anything in my college days "close to" what some people in did in congress today. The last 17 years my life has been nothing but "boring".
Back to "The Greedy Good Ole Boys" they said *$%# California politically they did not want moderate republicans to get elected in California. They preferred democrats to wi
n. They wanted control of the $$$and sabotaged any “credible” moderate that ran for high level office. Read “Sharyn and the Z”.
In California we had their own “internal battle of control” many saw the “writing on the wall” and teamed up with the “Good Ole Boys”. Dirty tricks became the norm.
Many reasonable “thinkers” in California became
democrats.... Even me. Then I got "recruited" back to the GOP.
Even got an all area's "backstage" tickets to the "Battle for the heart of the Republican Party" in 1992 in Houston at the RNC convention. Somebody wanted me to "check things out".
??? Senator Mitch Mc Connell of Kentucky would you like to meet for Coffee. I’d ask Senator Corker from Tennessee to join us but I hear “he’s expensive” to have a meeting with.
Sir, I’ve decided that after I work really hard in the auto industry and help leadership create “1” corporate culture. I’m going to retire to NYC and become a HISTORY professor. Maybe I’ll commute once a week to work with students at “elite” schools. Maybe Yale....
??? Some of the teaching techniques at Yale are “different” I would like to have a discussion with the head of economics over cocktails. Viewers read: Message to Yale....
??? The Bush Team really did believe War is good for the economy. I want to know where they learned that.
Very Important!!! It seems like the “educated elite” need a better understanding of the mindset of “average” America.
I remember spending a few days as a houseguest of a family in Iowa. We even watched the Price is Right together -funny memory-the grandmother was upset I did not know what “mop and glow” was and I had confessed that I never used a vacuum. The Iowa experience taught be about “respect for the dollar” it’s for those hardworking Americans that clean their own homes and find happiness in having a “fridge” full of food that I communicate to. In Iowa we talked about Midwest “values”. They LOVE America and vote for politicians with integrity.
Mitch Mc Connell...
??? Tell me what you think about war mongering and racism.
Senator Mc Connell I want to hear from YOU a well respected member of the Senate what your “thoughts” are. Fort Campbell is in Kentucky and lots of “boxes” came home.

America ??? Do YOU want a 3rd war for oil.
My “thought” maybe it’s time for some Freedom from relying on volatile nations for oil, job creation, and maybe your grandchildren would appreciate “breathing clean air”.
Mr. Mc Connell ??? Why Don’t you support AMERICA and the energy bill that will create possible PEACE...... the “thought” of my child living in a world without war and racism is a dream.
I believe dreams can come true. Senator, Call me 615-415-6675.
OK....Those of my “thoughts” on politics. I’m DONE!!! I just wanted to “prove my point”.
USA it’s time to Shift_ to “Reasonable Leadership in America”.
I've seen too much corrpution in politics and in corporations. Both the good ole boys in 1992 and in 2009 threatened me...they wanted me to be silent. They made my life miserable but using "my past experiences" I talked. What helped me decide to "pick this battle" was connecting Mr. Tavares to team Ghosn in the "Internal Battle of Control 2009" I knew Ghosn had the ear of former President Clinton together they could make "change" in America and Tennessee.
To be candid I had to fight for my "soul" I started to wonder if "I" even mattered as a person. I needed to know if an "average" person could simply tell the truth and make a difference in America. Knowing about so much I questioned for years if my life mattered. My country broke my heart. That experience made me "tough".
Remember the movie Fried Green Tomatoes and Kathy Bates ran into the car of the "mean" girl. She yelled out "I'm older and have better insurance". We'll i had my "Green Tomatoe" moment and decided to fight back and speak and play "hardball".
Luckily Mr. Tavares Listened and then so did Mr. Ghosn and people in Arkansas...NOT Huckabee. The "good" guys cared and we need America to Wake Up!!! I'm feeling the "electric energy..... it's time for America to take a "new" direction. It starts by removing roadblocks. WOW!!!!
This was written "prior" to knowledge of Ghosn association with the politcal and NISSAN Good Ole Boys...Because NISSAN did NOT fire those that were "proven" unethical I went to jail and lost my rights as an American. I want JUSTICE!!!!
"I’ll prove the NISSAN CEO Carlos Ghosn’s Green Halo was an illusion & he was in bed (figuratively) with right wing extremist that sent America to 2 wars with oil” ... Sharyn
Sir, this "warrior" is tired of politics. I’m happily looking forward to Shifting to cars.
Thank You once again...for listening!!!!
Have A Great Day!!! Sharyn
Love Cars~Love People~Love the Planet
Iraq sanctions
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The Iraq sanctions were a near-total financial and trade embargo imposed by the United Nations Security Council against the nation of Iraq. They began August 6, 1990, four days after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait,[1] and continued until May 22, 2003, after the fall of the Saddam Hussein government in the US-led invasion earlier that year. Their stated purpose was at first to compel Iraq's military to withdraw from Kuwait and after that to compel Iraq to pay reparations, and to disclose and eliminate any weapons of mass destruction, and to do certain other things.

This battle will be dedicated to my mother who "taught" me how to speak up. See took me to a brunch for elected officials and their daughters years ago and Dianne Feinstein talked to each of us separatly about taking the "torch" and speaking for the NEXT generation. I asked the now US Senator about "problems" and asked what no one is listening.... She said "keep talking until they do". She also said to "pick your battles wisely". Senator, thank you for the advice & this battle was done using by entire heart.
I want my little girl to know that She can be anything she wants to in life. She'll Be Free to Be.
Beijing LOVES Bovat & Welcome Back Berlin!!!
Mr. Buffett I "think" some of my viewers from the land of the 'great wall' are your people. ??? WHY Oh...maybe it's the E6. I "get it". NISSAN The World is Watching!!! Yesterday "again" I had almost had 4000 hits... Ann Arbor... I LOVE YOU TOO !!!! OVER 400K hits
“If I get a law firm that will show the WORLD the misconduct of the NISSAN Good Ole Boys and the Community for allowing a person’s to lose their human rights for 'whistleblowing' I will stop speaking, writing, blogging, and will let them do EVERYTHING to prove this case” ....Sharyn
NISSAN People are “cheering me on from the sidelines” ........
A lady from South Franklin subdivision (a very religious area) said “it’s like watching David vs. Goliath”.
NISSAN Good Ole Boys IF YOU read that book like YOU “say” you do remember who wins :) :)
At Target a NISSAN insider told me: “YOU are the ONLY person that’s ever had the ‘balls’ to tell Tokyo why NISSAN was deteriorating”.
At Publix I was asked: “ ??? Can you help me get a job … I moved to TN for the affordable housing … I have an advanced degree and NYC work experience … for years I’ve been applying for jobs at NISSAN & I could never figure out why NISSAN never responded. After reading your website it makes sense. ”
At Costco I’ve was asked: “At NISSAN is the ‘wall’ going to fall” & on a different day by a local well known community volunteer “When is Carlos Tavares going to tell YOU to take down that website”.
This website started this website June 4th 2009 to show Tokyo and Paris about discrimination and bad spending of taxpayer money. I simply wanted to be treated with respect by NISSAN HR and quietly wanted to hand over a list of unethical behavior and NOW it's becoming so much bigger......
July 2009 two people from NISSAN Marketing were talking about presenting the idea to lower the price of the Maxima and they were talking about issues that would come up. Including cross selling with the Altima which is a NISSAN Best Seller. We'll a hour after they left on the front page of i wrote something similar to this:
MESSAGE to 30ish
British NISSAN Marketing Man in a Red Tie...who was just at Starbucks. FYI- My web stats showed they Listened. They "tweaked" the Maxima raised the price and it sold much better. When HONDA "tweaked" the Accord sales slumped again. FYI- You need a smaller engine for the baby boomer "skirts". When I heard that man speak (and he was smart) and by looking at "fresh economic data" along with what NISSAN was putting in their "Line up" it was like watching a plane spiral out of control until it crashed.
This was a "crash" in the making....
Looks like Mr. Tavares listened and maybe Hertz has lost out on a "luxury coupe" along with their "topless Murano".
FYI- Your Fleet sales are fantastic. I used to only see American cars when I needed a rental but for the last few years NISSANs are always available.
??? Why does Product Planning "not" get it here's my "thought"
NISSAN has "engine issues" I'm starting to "get it" BIG TIME in reference to their mindset. Funny thing women have a "different view on PERFORMANCE" in many ways :) :) We Want Reliability & RESPECT!!!
NISSAN a car is more than an "engine"
??? Is NISSAN capable of Performing for WOMEN!!!
FYI- having "vitiman C" spitting out of the A/C in our faces is NOT it.
??? Mr. Tavares Why is this website still up.
Sir, I don't understand. Sharyn

This Website is a “tool” for change at
NISSAN North America I said from
“day1” It will come down when Carlos Tavares
Tells me to take it down Sharyn Bovat 615-415-6675

Take a moment to “think” about this….
I was sending Carlos Tavares the #2 globally at Nissan emails OVER a year ago emails from an email address with HIS name as part of the address
This was created after I received advice from a NISSAN IT expert working for TAVARES and After my website went up & my “in” box was NOT empty.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: sharyn bovat <>
Date: Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 9:35 PM
Subject: new information
To: antunes
Mr ….. Tavares,
Good Evening!
This is Sharyn and I wanted to update you with my email addresses.
This is my new highly confidential email that I will "only" use for
you and ****** .fyi...******* has been great helping me understand technical
security. YES A NISSAN IT expert helped me with my Internet
security AFTER my website went up.
My "new" main email is***************
My new private cell number is 615**********
Hope all is well.
Have a Great Weekend!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: sharyn bovat <>
Date: Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 7:51 AM
Subject: testing
OK.....people will think this is a Relative...
The at&t store is working on getting me a phone with a 248 area code.
if it works I'll get another with at 310.
It seems like a virus is hitting my computer. coincidence?
My hard copies are going in a safety box on Monday
Have a Great Day.... I'll text you when I get the new phone.
Date: August 5, 2009 4:09:01 AM CDT
To: Sharyn <>
Subject: Re: Good News
NISSAN was having an “internal battle of control”…… All along I knew that I was on “team Tavares and the Good Ole Boys set Mr. Tavares up to fail. Knowing this was about the EV that I believe in I fought this battle. Also I wanted those that discriminate OUT of HR. This “good ole boy” society is destroying NISSAN and Mr. Tavares wanted to “fix it”. I offered to help. NO I did not think it would take “this long”. My child has suffered…THIS NEEDS TO END!!!!!
I knew of bad spending of taxpayer & shareholders money They wanted Tavares to fail so someone could lead NISSAN that would keep those that were unethical in HR in power.
AMERICA Because of my political background I knew HOW to make “change” and Mr. Tavares knew this. My website has been used as a “tool” for change. Months ago I told Tavares if I was NOT getting the NISSAN CSR job to "end this".
I've been fighting a "good Ole Boy" network ~ helped hardworking employees keep their jobs ~ Standing up for American Taxpayer Rights ~ and giving NISSAN data to succeed.
How I'm being treated is WRONG!!!
That said my "respect" for Tavares is dwindling. He could have ended this earlier but he didn't for HIS gain. We'll he's now the incoming CEO and it looks like others have taken credit for my "thoughts" SO NISSAN ??? What is "going on" I gotta know NOW!!!!
NISSAN~Franklin~”Good Ole Boys”~America
DO YOU "finally" GET IT!!!!!!
Mr. Tavares is the "NEW" CEO and the women that helped get him there is getting %$#@&%
by being slandered and harassed by the "out going " corrupt administration and now Sharyn's IMAGE is Bad all because Tokyo learned of problems and moved too slowly at eliminating the "bad apples" that were destroying the company.
NISSAN ??? How does it feel to have Hyundai got your spot at #5.
It happened because the "good ole boys' didn't care about the: customer ~ quality~ dealer~society.....
My thought..... Ewanick Call Me. 615-415-6675,,,,
You were SMART to Flee.....My name is Sharyn and I'm a Red State Refugee....Help :) :)
??? Why did I do the biography "I lived the 80's" on Too many people have said they could never "speak" the way I did after seeing the "ABUSE" I've received from the community and NISSAN. Even if they knew for discrimination &
corruption. I'ts SAD. I'm doing the book to tell the next generation... It's OK to SPEAK. I'm going to write about the need of the EV in the book in a way "moderate" republicans and conservative democrats understand. Also, encourage "education" & give America an opportunity to start the dialoge of creating a "better" more accepting society for the next generation.
So soon I'll have a packet prepared to send to publishers.
Thanks for listening. :)Sharyn
CHINA General Obligation Bond - GO
CHINA General Obligation Bond - GO
"When NISSAN's Carlos Ghosn Gets Bumped I Bet the Tennessean WIll Cover it on Page # 8 & the New Tennessee Titan's Coaches Wife's Manicurist Spring Color Picks Will Be on the Front Cover"... Sharyn Bovat
A woman who wants OUT of Tennessee. She wants to move to a place with a "real" newspaper
"If the President does it, it can't be illegal" -- Richard Nixon, 1977
Carlos “ I have multiple Proofs” Ghosn

Ghosn's dual role rendered vulnerable by spy scandal
By Paul Betts Published: March 10 2011 17:36
check out for more:
??? for Jim Morton ... How's Bermuda Baby!!!

Above are pictures of Dominique Thormann he is NOW the CFO of Renault he told people to use "hidden cost centers"
Rob is the other man pictured.
He's a NISSAN executive connected to Carlos Ghosn.
I have it documented he bullied me for OVER a year. This happened after I whistle blew. They wanted to discredit me.
He swore out warrants and lied to the police. I was bruised in the Williamson County jail. Rob told them to "scare me" 6 police cars took me an unarmed relocation consultant to jail ONLY because I spoke up against discrimination and corruption. This is happening in America.
I told the truth about Carlos Ghosn & NISSAN terrorized me. I'm fighting back.
This is a cover of the front page of the Tennessean it's the biggest newspaper in Tennessee. The article says that the incoming GOP are going to scrutinize spending. The issues at NISSAN were started when former Governor Bredesen's office conducted meetings with NISSAN's Jim Morton.
Executives connected to him said the EV would be a "failed Obama program"
I asked this question:
??? Why take over a Billion American taxpayer dollers for something to fail.
Since the summer of 2009 I complained to Mr. Tavares about the look of the car. It was said that Bill O Reilly would use a picture of the Leaf as a "tool" to get rid of
President Obama. That is WHY the Leaf looks a "bit" familiar.... notice the bulging eyes and BIG smile.

Since the summer of 2009 I have documented my emails to Carlos Tavares about the poor marketing being done on the Leaf.
I emailed Mr. Tavares in December 2009 about a call I received saying that NISSAN was being taken advantage of in a pricey contract with Critical Mass.
Later those connected to the Designery told me that NOBODY on the account had auto experience. They were "burning money".
i was told that the goal was to market the car so the government would think they were "serious" yet they did not want to sell too many. ??? Why I asked.
"I believe in the need for the EV... that said: Carlos Ghosn took advantage of the State of Tennessee and the American Taxpayer. Ghosn needs to go....NOW!!!" ......Sharyn Bovat 615-415-6675
ALL details About the slow to be released NISSAN Leaf, the Bad Decisions of Carlos Ghosn & My Quest to Free The Renault Three:
Many people know I told the truth. Women at NiSSAN were replaced by buddies of a Good Ole Boy network.
Women in management went from 20.9% to 10% these
#'s come from NISSAN's own internal statistics
??? Did Carlos Tavares Save NISSAN From Going Bankrupt.
Coming Soon!!!
NISSAN Whistleblower Believes Renault Three Have Been Falsely Accused; Says Its’ a Stupid Scandal Created by those that Work for Carlos Ghosn
Sharyn Bovat has a “thought” to France
The French People are Perceived in A Bad Light ALREADY in America. “This” Scandal Makes YOU Look Stupid…I know That is NOT True.
The French Are Savvy and Smart;
??? Has Sarah Palin Taken Over the Elysee Palace
??? What’s Going On.
Alleged Renault spies fight back
French prosecutor launches Renault spy case probe
Enders defends China in Renault spy case
Unions to seek clarity on Renault spy scandal

Yesterday I was sent a "tip" on the Chinese Actor.
??? Thinks "not a man" Game....Guess the "new" Chinese suspect. I think Renault Might have to do a press release...

Next Week is Golden at the Girl in the Black Honda

Links to the most recent posts are at
End Racism in the RNC & Rants
Comedy website
Car thoughts website (being updated)
Politcal website
Haley Barbour Website
The Nissan Whistleblower website
The Taxpayers website
Coming Soon!!!
Sharyn Bovat became a whistleblower in March 2009 at NISSAN North America in Tennessee. She told Carlos Tavares the NISSAN #2 globally about bad spending of taxpayer money by a "Good Ole Boy" network.
The men at NISSAN responsible for the reckless spending were "doing deals" with a republican governor and a democratic governor.
NISSAN executives carelessly spent & some people personally profited from money that was "earmarked" for corporate relocation expenses to seduce NISSAN to relocate to Tennessee & money that the federal government gave to Mississippi to help hurricane Katrina victims.

Sharyn Bovat who was told "skirts don't speak" on the executive floor at NISSAN got mad by the abusive spending & told the truth about problems involving the "Good Ole Boys". They retaliated against Sharyn for becoming whistleblower and swore out warrants to have her arrested. She was jailed 3 times.
Each time Bovat was taken to jail she issued a press release and kept speaking about their misconduct. Bullying and Harassment were common treatment for Sharyn the last 18 months. NISSAN in Japan and France turned a "blind eye". Shayrn Bovat's child suffered because grown men were mad at her mom.
Years ago this whistleblower attended a mentoring brunch featuring the now US Senator Dianne Feinstein & she told Sharyn that when she faced a problem to keep speaking until somebody listened. Mrs Feinstein, May i please borrow a gavel to bang on their heads to get attention. Women at NISSAN have been ignored for years. In 4 years women in management declined from 20.9% to 10% that's a 50% reduction. Some "Good Ole Boys" were "tweaking" with the numbers and Sharyn "ratted them out".
Sharyn Bovat's American rights have been taken away and she is looking for press to assist her in this "battle of human decency". Bovat fears she'll lose her "freedom" if the NISSAN Good Ole Boys and thier unethical business practices involving taxpayer money is not exposed.
On January 3rd & 4th she'll be in Washington DC to attend the RNC debate and to launch "American Taxpayers for Common Sense" a new blog created as a Watchdog for the Moderate. if the weather is friendly she'll conduct interviews on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. She'll also speak about wasteful spending of taxpayer money along with issues of discrimination in the south. For an appointment contact Sharyn at 615-415-6675.
Bovat be also be available January 5th to talk to the Tennessee press about her "continued" battle with the NISSAN "Good Ole Boys" email questions: Until then please enjoy your holiday season.
Peace and Respect
Sharyn Bovat
Nissan Whistleblower Legal Update: Back in Court 1/31/11
NISSAN Whistleblower Getting Indicted Monday October 25th 9am in Tennessee & Say's Charges are "TRUMPED UP" & She Was Jailed Again Yesterday, Begs Carlos Tavares to "End This"
I was indicted and on Monday I'll be arraigned. On Friday while looking at the docket to get a "heads up" so I would not be totally surprised on Monday the police came and hauled me back to jail. New charges have been filed against me based on evidence from the "dismissed" case. The "email harassment" charge is NOW an "email stalking" charge.
Rob (the good old boy) swore out the warrant. He's the one I've documented harassing me OVER a year ago.
NISSAN I don't get it!!!
EXCEPT an article in CNN/Fortune said:
Mr. Tavares could be the next chairman of Renault too.
In Tennessee an anonymous grand jury met and I was not represented. In Tennessee ONLY the prosecution and their witnesses testify. There were no people to monitor if what they said was true.
America, I'm terrified of Tennessee but I will fight for MY American Rights. Court dates are 12/6 mid January and February. Then the "jury trial" will start. I get to do subpeona's :):)
Good Ole Boys I've got the truth on MY side and I'm gonna WIN.
Each time YOU punch me I'm stronger. I'm fighting for FREEDOM.
Women were discriminated against at NISSAN stats prove it.
Also, I WILL get the message out about bad spending of taxpayer money by The Nissan Good Ole Boys.
What's happening to me for Whistleblowing at NISSAN is WRONG!!!
Sharyn Bovat 615-415-6675
In my down time I'll write my book:
Jailbait to Relogate
& a lot of side trips.
The NISSAN Whistleblowers Road to Freedom
The official Indictement is NOW available on this website.... Just scroll down.
It's Monday's News TODAY!!!!

I'm Getting Ready for My Debut.
November 2nd at SPANKY's Nashville November 17th at ZANIES Nashville
for tickets to ZANIES show call 615-269-0221
Nashville has Fantastic Female Comics. Pictured Jessica, Sharyn "the skirt", Kim, & Janet
??? Will Sharyn Bovat be a Political Prisoner Find Out 10-25 9am the Williamson County Court. To prepare for a POLITICALLY CHARGED indictment I've prepared.
Sharyn Bovat aka
The Stealth Skirt aka
The Red State Refugee
"I was planning on launching my comedy act in Delaware to get some press for my upcoming court day because US Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell was 'hot' in the media. NOW the press is flocking to Nevada since O'Donnell's poll numbers have shown her going down faster than a merchant in Amsterdam that just turned on her red light"...Sharyn Bovat
A new day and venue to be announced soon
FYI-I've got a GREAT rant about Tennessee taxpayers funding a Parisian Sperm Donor. :) :) Sharyn
“He who is not
enough to take
risks will
nothing in
life.”Muhammad Ali
Amnesty International Forget Gitmo and Guantanamo the Girls Need You in America.
In Tennessee my American Rights were taken away I need help. Amnesty International I need YOU.
??? Maybe you can stop by Mississippi 1st.
What’s happened to those black women in the State that
NISSAN built “2” plants is WRONG. Racism is WRONG!!!
??? Why would you “expand” a plant when product quality in the original plant is an “issue”. Answer: Kickbacks and Special Deals
Some people filled their pockets while shareholders and hardworking employee’s suffered & NOW all Infiniti’s have to be made out of JAPAN and that hurts the company with the high cost of the YEN. (CODA is smart to build cars in Benicia)
??? Who did benefit from the Mississippi Plant Expansion?
Answer: My readers say Haley Barbour's buddies INCLUDING Jim Morton (& Ghosn) they also say a LOT of Good Ole Boys benefited/profited from Nissan’s move to Tennessee. I have NOT named that many names. Simply for I WANT THIS OVER.
Back to Haley Barbour and his background as a political “player”
Today's theme is boxing & If you put the name Haley Barbour in the same category as Ed Gillespie one would be Mohamed Ali & the guy from Mississippi is Mike Tyson.
Both Mike Tyson and Haley Barbour do NOT play ball by the rules of AMERICA or humanity keep reading the analogy will make sense.
My name is Sharyn Bovat and I’m fighting back.
I’ve been bullied and harassed by a Good Ole Boy Network and during this “Battle of
Human Decency” I’ve had LOTS of data from my website. When I punch Jim Morton the Good ole Boys seem to retaliate by “playing dirty”.
When the so called Bush Dirty Tricks team was ramping up in the early 90’s, Sharyn Bovat was a “water girl”. I know their “plays”. In the 90’s I watched California get #$%@&* by people that wanted “control of the campaign cash”. Business and Politics in America are entangled. I GET IT & I respect it. That does not mean I like it. For EV/America success EVERYONE needs to get along.
??? GET IT
That said: I’ve been arrested 2 times. My lawyer QUIT because the Good Ole Boys called him and said MORE warrants were being issued and I would be taken BACK to jail. My lawyer was told that a special prosecutor was called.
SPECIAL Prosecuters are used for BIG crimes. I'm a whistle blower. Obviously the Special Prosecuter was called for my arrest was PURELY Political.
FYI- I was put me in a cell with a woman charged with assault w/a lethal weapon. They did NOT feed me, would NOT let me call to get childcare for my child, & I was bruised by the harsh handling.
Williamson County even suggesting having A SPECIAL PROSECUTER for MY case is either RIDICULAS or SCARY. Luckily the DA's office changed their mind (at the last minute)
The travisty of justice is: My lawyer quit because he could not understand WHY all this was happening to me since my arrest was a FIRST time misdemeanor. I had to represent myself. LAWYERS in the community ignored me. One made a nasty comment.
The warrant sworn out by a man I spoke to the police about for harassing ME.
What happened to me was morally WRONG and RIDICULAS.
I do NOT want to spend this weekend worrying that Tennessee is going to have me FORMALLY INDICTED. I do NOT want to become a political prisoner just for talking about corruption and bad spending of taxpayer money at NISSAN. The DOT connect “clearly” to Mississippi.
If Carlos Tavares Can’t stop this stupidity happening in Tennessee than I ask Mr. Ghosn to do it. YES!!! I’ve bashed Mr. Ghosn on this website and he deserved it (Have you seen his salary….people that make that much are USED to words like mine, they’re TOUGH & he can "take it")
YES!!! Carlos Ghosn has proven to be greedy my question today:
??? Is he at least human?
??? Does he want Decency in Tennessee?
??? Can he tell his “buddy” Jim Morton from South Carolina to tell Mississippi THE PARTY IS OVER and to PLEASE release those women? They are Prisoners for simply being BLACK. That should NOT happen in America today.
In reference to ME Somebody END THIS!!!
Have A Great Day!!!
Love Cars~Love People~ Love the Planet
There's something that smells "fishy" in Mississippi & it's NOT the shrimp.
Some people need to be indicted NOT inaugurated
………….In contrast, Governor Barbour has been quite willing to hand get-out-of-jail-free cards to men who unquestionably committed shockingly brutal crimes. The Jackson Free Press, an alternative weekly, and Slate Magazine have catalogued these interventions by Mr. Barbour. ……….. All, as Mr. Balko pointed out, had been enrolled in a special prison program “that had them doing odd jobs around the Mississippi governor’s mansion.” ……..
Brian Carolin: “I’m not advertising the Leaf to sell Leafs. We’re sold out.
I’m doing it to build the brand.”
Lindsey Chappall, I like your articles.
For almost 17 months Sharyn Bovat's wrote a lot on this website www.girlintheblackhonda.comm they were/are "thoughts" to Mr. Tavares. At the same time she sent him emails with "better" thoughts... This was after she saw her ideas "pop" up on other automakers websites. If her "ideas" were not good Mr. Tavares would have NEVER accepted all her emails. IF NEEDED to SHOW MY CONTRIBUTIONS I WILL REQUEST THE EVERY EMAIL THAT I WROTE THE CHARIMAN OF THE AMERICA’S BE READ N COURT & THAT’S GOING TO TAKE A LONG TIME. Sharyn Bovat knows that “others” have taken "credit" after "tweaking" her inspiration and Sharyn is OK with that in fact she "prefers" to be a behind the scenes person. Yet if "fruit flies" are feeding off her "thoughts" and she gets NO respect Sharyn will "fight back".
Nissan's marketing makeover
How a generic Japanese brand is reinventing itself
Lindsay Chappell Automotive News -- October 18, 2010 - 12:01 am ET
Carlos Tavares of Nissan: “At our core, we didn't know what we stood for.” But that, he says, is going to change.
NASHVILLE -- Last winter, when Nissan Motor Co.'s executive committee for the Americas gathered to discuss the future position of the Nissan brand, one marketing mission became clear: It needed a makeover.
The brand was stagnating in the market. Sales were inching forward, but new products just weren't catching fire.....“At our core,” says Carlos Tavares, Nissan's leader for the Americas, “we didn't know what we stood for.”
Read more:
from almost a year ago on my website..
Comments to the article from readers on
larry_weitzman wrote:
The Leaf will hurt the Nissan brand. Global warming is a hoax and everyone knows it. The Leaf would not be produced if not for government mandates. But more importantly as I have written before in these comments on the Leaf and Volt hybrid, the Leaf will NOT perform as advertised. Range will be 60-65 miles in normal driving and that will cause huge complaints fromt the buyers (you will pay $25K and your neighbor will kick in $7K) who pay $32K for a car they can only drive 60 miles comfortably a DAY.
And it won't be that cheap to operate at 12 cents a kWh a fillup will cost about $2.50 or a gallon of gas that in a conventional Scion iQ will go about 40 miles and refuel in five minutes and cost about a third of the price.
Leaf could become Nissan's worst nightmare and destroy the brand quality. Just wait until a Leaf driver runs out of electrons on the freeway. There will be a lot of other drivers hating Nissan for building that golf cart car.
10/18/2010 12:21 PM EDT
Theateticus wrote:
Sorry, fellow readers but the electric car strikes me as a rare mutt indeed. So much so that I am reminded of a Monty Python skit offering as the world's funniest joke, an odd story: "I have a dog that has no nose. Really, How does it smell? Awful."
I have a product that couldn't survive in the free market. (without generous government support paid for by tax payers who do not want an electric vehicle.) Really? How does it sell? Awful.
10/18/2010 9:20 AM EDT
The greenies & the sandal people already worship at the altar of the pious (oops - I meant prius), I don't see this conversion happening for them.
10/18/2010 8:23 AM EDT
bboaze wrote:
Interesting how Nissan expects to do all of this with a car that is ugly and has no purpose. I don't see a lot of people wanting a car that costs as much as most other cars, but can only be used to drive to work and back.
10/18/2010 6:55 AM EDT
When Spending Taxpayer/Shareholders Money Be Frugal NOT Frivolous
A viewer told me there's a BIG billboard with a picture of NISSAN SVP Scott Becker & it looks likes it purpose is mainly to BOOST his image. WoW!!! That sounds like something communist-socialist tyrants that want to "feel good" about themselves would do.
If it's true it's a WASTE of money. Sounds like someones EGO is bigger than his BRAIN or heart...the billboard money could have gone to charity or back to shareholders. IF a vendor paid for it then NISSAN paid too much for a product or a service. GET IT!!!! The Billboard is supposed to be off of 65 near 440.
I'm tired.... I want "this" OVER!!! ??? Mr. Becker ??? WHY is this website still up
??? You could be a "good" guy & You went to a decent college...... I don't get it!!!
Have a Great Night!!! Sharyn 615-415-6675
Welcome Visitors from Japan to Tennessee!!!
My name is Sharyn Bovat, I'm the Nissan
whistleblower. In Tennessee there are many bad men that discriminate. Governors will be nice to you ONLY to get your money. Please tell them it's important to show RESPECT FOR ALL PEOPLE & Education is Bad in the South please tell the governors that foreign language is important & Education Matters!!!
To Read About Problems in Education & Segregation in
Williamson County, TN
My name is Sharyn Bovat & I used to be one of the top relocation consultants in the Nashville area. I've been fighting for Human Decency in Tennesee for OVER a year at NISSAN. Corruption and Discrimination are problems in the south. Call me I'll tell you more
615-415-6675. My opinion: Although California is more expensive in many ways and does have it's unique problems at least in CA women and minorities have the opportunity to have the American Dream.
During the Bush Era's America Was Invaded by Greed.
The "1st" gulf war was staged to stimulate the economy. Paid for by foreign nations. America did NOT got to Baghdad simply to keep the price of a barrel of oil HIGH.
Dick Cheney knew Saddam Hussein was a vicious tyrant, military leaders wanted to go to Baghdad but they had to do what the president told them.
The goal for Saudi & Dallas was a long term embargo.
When Bush the sequal "W"was elected in November 2000 the money funding the "eyes" watching Osama Bin Laden shifted to Iraq.
??? How do I know. I just do.
FYI- There's a press embargo on my story for a reason.
When the towers fell at the orders of the "tall guy"
??? Why did America invade the "wrong" country in retaliation.
During the Iraq war lots of lives were lost & at the same time some made a LOT of money. Remember after the 1st war Dick Cheney became President of Haliburton made 94,000,000.00. Oil companies started regulating themselves & that was disasterous.
??? look at the beaches on the gulf coast (USA).
Interesting Haliburtan wives got mink coats at a company christmans party, paid for "indirectly" by the American taxpayer.
Some of the wives named their coats, kind of like pets. This happened while "average" americans suffered and ate Top Ramon & financially struggled.
George W. Bush told America to shop during the Iraq war.
Shopping and supporting the economy was "patriotic" during that time banks gave lots of Americans credit they did not qualify for and many hard working people were forced into bankruptcy.
The people that were taken advantage of didn't get "bail outs" but the banks in America did.
Ignoring the little guy in legistlation led to the "auto crash" and MORE jobs lost in America.
??? Americans were lied to by "someone" in the Naughty Noughties.
America cannot give the keys to the country back to those that profited from 2 wars due to America's dependence on foreign oil.
Now America is at a crossroad politically. I call the political leaders that profited from war Good Ole Boys. People don't like President Obama in conservative red states saying he's an educated elitist. Some actually admit it's because he's black.
My "thought" if the guy looked like a smurf I would not care. My goal is for America to be successful. That means having a congress willing to work together.
??? Which direction will America take in November, forward or backward.
My name is Sharyn Bovat I'm a carpool mom who lost her job because I spoke out against a Good Ole Boy network in Tennessee at Nissan North America. Please read's horrible.
After I became a whislte blower I learned the political links involved with bad spending and discrimination at NISSAN were connected to my 'political past".
Haley Barbour was a character in BOTH. I'm a former political research worker. I know their strategies and LUCKILY for me during this Battle of Human Decency with Nissan many strategies were Haley Barbours ,based on Racism and Greed. Former employees helped me connect the dots all the way to Carlos Ghosn via Jim Morton. Money earmarked for Hurrican Katrina was identified as being used improperly. Haley Barbours family "profited" from Hurricane Katrina too. There is even SEGREGATION happening in Williamson County, Tennessee....It's disguting.
The supremist "mindset" in the south is extreme. Yet, nobody seem to complain.
until NOW!!!! I'm getting the word out about Good Ole Boys.
For over 16 months I've been in battle with the Nissan/political Good Ole Boys. Some of the other strategies they use came from strategic geniuses I knew in the past. Think TEA.
Games were being played at NISSAN for power. Similar to the republican Internal Battle for control in 1992/1993. wow!!!
Mark Stout during our two meeting (interrogations) in your office on the 10th floor. I heard words from your mouth identical to words Henry Barbour said to me in 1992.
Sir, My "thought" in March 2009 while you were trying to "spin" the situation...."If this is an auto executive, no wonder why this industry is so $#@&!* up."
If you have any questions call me 615-415-6675
Sharyn Bovat.

Respecting human rights
Do not allow any form of harassment in the workplace on the basis of race, nationality, gender, religion, disability, age, background, position in the company, employment status or any other reason.
Above is a NEW part of the NISSAN CSR Guidelines....
Thank you Mr. Tavares...
My name is Sharyn Bovat, I was considered one of the top relocation consultants in middle Tennessee. Now I'm asking Carlos Tavares to RELOCATE ME. Because I became a whistle blower & spoke up against a Good Ole Boy net
work that discriminated against women and minorities and wasted our taxpayer money at NISSAN North America I went to jail (twice).
“I’ve been called Tennessee’s version of Sarah Palin for fighting a
Good Ole Boy network. Yesterday I was called the Susan McDougal*
of Tennessee for being ‘railroaded’ by the justice system. America & NISSAN, I just want to be Sharyn Bovat of someplace else.”

In Tennessee I was jailed twice & was told more warrants were being issued for more arrest. My lawyer quit after he heard the State of Tennessee was getting a Special Prosecutor.
This was all done for a 1ST Time Misdemeanor charge.
I’m a Whistleblower who spoke out against bad spending of taxpayer money at NISSAN. I told the truth.
My arrest was POLITICAL & People want me discredited.
I’m Fighting for Basic American Rights in Tennessee, it's terrifying.
I Love America, & someday I want to move back to "my country".
For Tennessee to economically Succeed this MUST happen:
Respect and Rights for ALL People
*Susan McDougal From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia...Grand jury and civil contempt of court
During the grand jury, McDougal stated her full name "for the record", then refused to answer any questions. In her book, McDougal explained that "I feared being accused of perjury if I told the grand jury the truth. The OIC had accepted David Hale's lies as the truth. They were also now relying on Jim McDougal's lies, which they'd carefully helped him construct. If I came in and directly contradicted those two -- whose testimony had been used to convict me of four felonies -- I feared the OIC would next accuse me of perjury." She also writes that she feared the same fate as Julie Hiatt Steele[8] who had contradicted the testimony of White House aide Kathleen Willey: "Simply telling the truth cost Steele everything she had, almost landed her in jail [for perjury], and jeopardized her custody of her adopted son." [9]
................................From September 9, 1996 until March 6, 1998, McDougal spent the maximum possible 18 months imprisonment for civil contempt, including 8 months in solitary confinement, and subjected to "diesel therapy", the practice of hauling defendants around the country and placing them in different jails along the way.[12] In her case, from Arkansas to "Los Angeles to the Oklahoma City transfer center, and then on to the Pulaski County Jail in Little Rock, Arkansas".[13] .........
I don't know the whole story on this lady but after being "railroaded" by Tennessee justice system I want to work on a non partisan advocacy groups to prevent women in America from becoming "Political Prisoners".

Years ago I traveled a lot & fought for Freedom in communist Russia. Understanding WHY America went to 2 wars for oil and the connection to the Governor of Mississippi is why I believe I spent time in the slammer twice. America, I'm fighting for my Freedom in Tennessee.
This is Rob He Bullied the police. He might not be a bad man, maybe he was just doing what he was told. Scott Becker was head of NISSAN legal/administration at the time.
??? Why did he let the arrest happen. A former Nissan employee identified Mr. Becker as corrupt in April 2010 I emailed that information to Carlos Tavares that same day. ??? Coincidence.

Twice I was taken to jail due to a "sworn out" warrant from a man who I've documented for over a year harassing me. His company NISSAN wasted American Taxpayer money. I became a whistle blower to Carlos Tavares #2 so they would not waste more. I started this blog/website June 2009 because for months those in the Good Ole Boy network in HR would not help me with references of training like they promised. In April and May 2009 I documented numerous times that I wanted to hand over a list of problems. I even sent an email in June to Brad Thacker, Bill Krueger, and Eric Noziere, but nothing happened.
I did get advice from a NISSAN IT guy on internet security "after" I started my blog. ??? Why.

The Nissan Good Ole Boys were mad at me for telling Mr. Tavares about their bad behavior. Later I learned Carlos Tavares the NISSAN #2 could not fire those unethical HR leaders because they were covering the tracks of Carlos Ghosn & his former right hand man Jim Morton. Mr. Morton is connected to Haley Barbour and they did some deals in Mississippi. A viewer of my blog told me money earmarked for Hurricane Katrina was used by NISSAN/Morton/Ghosn (???) for personal gain. Because Carlos Ghosn is linked directly or indirectly this has made my life miserable. I cannot "move on" until resolution happens. Obviously there's a Press Embargo on my "issues". I GET IT!!!! It needs to end so I won't be railroaded in court.
A Nissan Good Ole Boy lawyer called my lawyer, said there was going to be a "special prosecuter" and more warrants were being issued for my arrest. This is AFTER i did time TWICE. Then my lawyer told me he could NOT take my case. then I tried other lawyers and they would not represent me. I had to represent myself in court. A lawyer in the clerks office made a "nasty" comment to me and it was clear this community is mad at me for exposing their dirty laundry.
The warrant is a piece of "fiction" that Rob wrote. FYI- If a Tennessee lawyer wanted to represent me NOW I need to know WHY.
The Nissan lawyer Mr. Baugh was VERY kind after the DA decided that NO special prosecuter would be used. He even taught me how to play the game Angry Birds on his iPhone and told me I could sit in the comfortable chairs since I was "a lawyer" that day.
After the judge (who was fair but could not hear my side of the story due to the type of hearing) dismissed the harassment charge at the preliminary hearing Mr Baugh (the Good Ole Boy lawyer) gave me his card & offered to have me stop by his office for a "chat" and he could
"make this go away".
The fact is I like Mr Baugh the Good Ole Boy lawyer and someday I would love to have coffee with him. He's the ONLY person on the Good Ole Boy team to treat me with RESPECT.
I decided to call my legal counsel (me) the firm of Bold, Bitchy & Bright .
Tennessee I'm not crazy, I'm just creative. IF you taught children in TN classrooms critical thinking techniques maybe YOUR society would be more accepting of diversity and differences.
On Monday "the team" will draft a letter to the DA for a request for CAMERAS in the Courtroom. I believe I will be indicted on October 25th for political reasons.
Sorry Reuter.... another press release. Yes!!! Once again I will tell people that at Nissan North America I was told "Skirts Dont Speak".
America, this whole ordeal is a waste of taxpayer money.
NISSAN should pay back the city of Franklin for the
police officers time. OVER 1/2 dozen police cruisers.
Nissan insiders say "it was a show to discredit me".
I was "abused" the first time I was in jail. NOT fed, not allowed to make a call, put in a cell with a woman accused of assault with a lethal weapon & bruised by the harsh handling. I TRIED to complain to Bruce Bateman but he said they didn't have a form, so I sent him a detailed email. Oddly when I asked for help in protecting my child. They complained about cost. HELLO!!!! Sending over 1/2 dozen officers to deal with an unarmed relo consultant, It's terrifying.
That said; If I get the CSR job and can "make change" I want the City of Franklin to pay 100k to start The NISSAN Skirts Speak foundation. In return I will not file any charges against the city and Franklin could look a bit better in the book.

YES!!!! I'm going to write a book about my 16 month fight against the NISSAN Good Ole Boys to help pay for my "little skirts" college education. ??? How can I get a job when HR did not do there job. They did NOT help me w/ my references instead they bullied me.
The NISSAN the Skirts Speak Foundation is project I want to create for CSR. designed to empower women in the south and ALL over the world to "Expect More & Be More".

Mr. Tavares we have to turn this disaster into lemonade,NOW!!!
My "strategy" for Freedom is Tennessee is letting the world know, maybe at the same time I can communicate this:

America is on the verge of giving the keys
to the country back to those that destroyed our economy. I'm scared & fighting back.
NiHaoCHINA Thought Buy some Tennessee bonds. This way when I hear "another" insensitive comment about Chinese people in Tennessee I can respond by saying:
"Be nice ??? didn't you know 'they' own us."
General Obligation Bond - GO What Does General Obligation Bond - GO Mean? A municipal bond backed by the credit and "taxing power" of the issuing jurisdiction rather than the revenue from a given project. Investopedia explains General Obligation Bond - GO
General obligation bonds are issued with the belief that a municipality will be able to repay its debt obligation through taxation or revenue from projects. No assets are used as collateral.
*************************************************************NiHaoCHINA General Obligation Bond - GO
CHINA General Obligation Bond - GO
CHINA General Obligation Bond - GO
Triple-A Tennessee Readies GOs
Plans $213M for Capital Projects Thursday, October 7, 2010
BRADENTON, Fla. — Tennessee will bring its fourth deal in six weeks to market on Wednesday with the competitive sale of $213.3 million of tax-exempt general obligation bonds.

If REAL jobs are NOT created and if Tennessee does NOT create a welcoming envirment and If the schools do NOT become on par with other states. Then TAXES are going up, somehow. ??? Maybe "stealth" taxes (like user fees, see Stealth Skirt Stikes). Years ago somebody said "Read My Lips No New Taxes"..... The truth is for job creation EVERYBODY needs to pay "a little" educated people know that money spent on education and the creation of a new industry (like clean energy) that money spent will create NEW jobs. Tennessee is borrowing too much money and I worry that there is NO plan for success.
Too many "average" citizens don't get it in reference to having to pay back the bond debt. Bond money is NOT free money and that money needs to be spent wisely. We need to educate people on what politicians are doing by playing games using our hard earned taxpayer dollars.

Tennesseans need to be Welcoming of All people and ALL cultures. Lots of states are competing for business. If you read ROOM SERVICE on this website you'll see that "kindness" matters.
My name is Sharyn Bovat and I'm a fiscal conservative who believes in the need and government support of the Electric Car. I also believe that spending money on infrastructure that creates clean energy protects the air that we breathe is money well spend. That said: I abhor congressional pork projects. When conservative republicans insert them into bills I'm disgusted for their hypocrisy.
"Wild thought" Gillespie and Rove "get it" on the need to change energy sources in America and they want to "stall" the progress untill their friends can control the white house & their business friends can "invest in energy". They will use the Reagan strategy in 2012 to make America financially strong again.
The problem is America needs success NOW!!!!
In 1992 I was asked to spend a day with the TN Senator Lamar Alexander because he was a possible contender for the white house (read To Senator Alexander TN). Back then I was impressed with him because "he's smart" he spoke with respect for all people. I believe he's a person who see's the big picture. I was mad at him about his comments during the health care debate but nobodies perfect and he has the courage to be a team member and not be a "total roadblock" in the US Senate. Mr. Alexander has/is support for legistlation on education and clean energy.
End Roadblocks Make Success Happen in America Today

Americans and Tennesseans need to Think Before they Vote. Because groups created by brilliant Bush operatives
control the "purse strings" of republican candidates & they control how they vote. Michael Steele is still Chairman of the RNC for reason. Think Failure for Power. Amazingly two strategic genious are using money from unknown sources
might (once again) control the puppet strings after the mid term elections.
Jobs will not be created in Tennessee and if they "stop" funding infrastrucure for the EV that will be as planned by Haley Barbour who wants to be president in 2012 "A failed Obama program". Those that will suffer will be Nissan shareholders who have to pay back a loan for over 1 Billion dollars and hundreds of millions granted for charging stations is wasted. Nissan emplooyee's who will lose their jobs and the Tennessee people who will have to pay back interest on state bonds issued. As usual it's the "average" guy that suffers.
Again, my name is Sharyn Bovat and understanding "average" is my thing. America we need to wake-up and fight for reasonable leadership. Do not vote for anyone who was been a cement roadblock to President Obama. I've accepted that Marsha Blackburn is going to win. The district pure RED. We need to tell her to be a little more "open minded" for TN job creation.
For those in Tennessee that have told me they want the president to fail because you don't want a black president...lots of people in the "red state south" feel this way. GET OVER IT. Good Ole Boys, you lost the civil war & it's time to move on. Please read Good Ole Boy Mindset at
Thank you for listening!!!! Sharyn Bovat 615-415-6675
The Invasion of Kuwait was "staged" to help stimulate the economy & those NOT christian paid for it. Dick Cheney knew Saddam was a vicious tyrant but we did NOT go to Baghdad in the early 90's simply to keep the price of the barrel high. Dick Cheney became President of Haliburton & made 94,000,000.00. ??? Who are those secret donors trying to take over congress
Think Before You Vote
Join me in my Fight for Human Decency
in America
America needs Team Work!!!!

Love Cars
Love People
Love the Planet
President Sarkozy,
"If" Haley Barbour becomes president of the United States in 2012 I will need political asylum, preferably in St. Germain Des Pres. I've already documented in a letter to the French Consulate in Atlanta that in 2003 I was ostrasized in Tennessee for drinking Bordeaux at a time of war. If YOU think I was exagerating for the amount of disdain against the French in the south read below.
Sir, I Respect ALL People and my goal is to lead CSR at the "new" NISSAN (in a destination OUT of Tennessee)
TN has a lot of great people so when Mr. Tavares takes over NISSAN and the changes to the corporate code of conduct is are implemented good things will happen at NISSAN North America.
That said: Tennessee is pro gun & the Franklin police seem to be on the Good Ole Boy team and I'm terrified. People have told me to "pack heat". Yes!!! it's just a percentage of the community & people can change. I plan on helping make 1 corporate culture. That's been on this blog for almost a year. Mr. Tavares never would have emailed me several months ago had that not been happening. He knows this website will come down when he tells me. Helping with positive change & helping Mr. Sproule with ideas on a message to communicate to the American people to "Go Electric" is what I want to do. I'd just like to "Make that Happen" from a distance.
Raese Touts Constitution, Capitalism
October 9, 2010 - By JOSELYN KING Political Writer
Raese said he believes the Obama administration is pushing America toward socialism.
"We been waiting around to become France, and we've become France," Raese commented, noting socialism "doesn't work."
"If we don't change our direction in the next four years, the capital of our country might as well be Paris. That is scary."

"I told Carlos Tavares during his relocation I was a Maverick; America you should have seen the look in his eyes. The only other time his eyes popped like that was when I told him I loved my Honda" Sharyn Bovat
The reason I have so much respect for Mr. Tavares is after my bold statement Mr. Tavares was not rude to me; instead he asked WHY.
I believe he'll make NISSAN what is once was, a company known for QUALITY cars.
NISSAN During this Battle of Human Decency I’ve given the Nissan #2 a “warning” of incoming missiles. As a courtesy I will do the “alert” instead on this website. ??? Why ao publically,
I can’t email Mr. Tavares for fear of going to jail a 3rd time.
Recently I saw that Scott Becker is speaking at the: 34th Annual Joint Meeting of the Southeast U.S./Japan and the Japan-U.S. Southeast Associations (SEUS/Japan).
The fact that man is representing NISSAN knowing he oversaw legal when I was unjustly arrested disgusts me and I will organized a "very" public PEACEFUL protest during the event if needed.
Sir, having this Battle for Human Decency is NOT good for NISSAN and it’s NOT good for Japanese business. The fact is in America Women don’t buy products/cars from companies they don’t trust.
NISSAN too many people know about my website and YOU’RE hurting the entire branch.
It would be “odd” if the first person in her family to buy a foreign made car and was ridiculed for doing so was the person that triggered the next BUY AMERICAN trend.
I remember when the last push for buying American cars happened (I think George H. Bush was president). I can actually envision “brilliant” minds twisting my battle of human decency to ignite this movement. The economy is the same and people need a scapegoat
Mr. Tavares that would NOT be fair to Toyota and Honda. Plus the goal is for jobs to be created in Tennessee.
Sir, I would like some RESPECT. It’s about time. I know I said I'd wait till "change" is happened, but Ghosn's Good Ole Boys have hurt me too much. This needs to end.
Respectful Regards,
Sharyn Bovat 615-415-6675
I was unjustly arrested “twice” The local paper The Tennessean has NOT covered my story. I fear by the media being “silenced” I’ve lost my rights as an America.
What happened to me In America should NEVER happen again to anyone.
Mr. Ghosn,
Sorry Sir, I cannot be quiet any name is Sharyn Bovat & I was considered one of the top relocation consultants in middle Tennessee.
" On the executive floor at NISSAN North America I was told Skirts Don't Speak "
Some of Ghosn's people wasted American Taxpayer money during the relocation to Tennessee & I asked ??? WHY. Th
e man pictured at the right asked Congress for over 1 Billion US dollars of "hard earned" taxpayer money, to be used on a project that many in management at Nissan North America did NOT believe in.
People in Tennessee "thought" the Electric Car would be a
"Failed Obama Program". They did NOT care about making the LEAF a car that AMERICANS would want to buy. I sent Mr.Tavares emails in the summer of 2009 complaining about the design and told him it would NOT appeal to "average" America. On this website I've expressed my desire for America to be "less" dependant on foreign oil. Those at Nissan North America did not "speak up" on the design. The money for infrastructure will be wasted if the EV is not successful.
In Tennessee I asked ??? Why take OVER 1 Billion dollars to build a battery plant for something you do NOT believe. "There was nothing you can do about it" was the response, with a "smirk". A Good Ole Boy Network dominates Nissan North America HR, their buddies would make money "building" the battery plant.
Working in relocation for years I knew money was made in real estate by "locals" making purchases before the official announcement that Nissan was moving to Tennessee.
Then I found out Ghosn's right hand man who "pushed for the move to Tennessee" Jim Morton had connections to Haley Barbour the Governor of Mississippi, who's connected to right wing extremist that do NOT want money spent on EV infrastructure and those that have profited from America's wars I told Mr. Tavares. Viewers of my website gave me "tips" about LLC's and deals made. One viewer alleges Hurrican Katrina money was used. Problems have been posted on my public website for OVER a year.
After I started to tell Carlos Tavares problems I was called into 4 meetings with HR. 2 on the executive floor with the Vice President. ??? Why would the most powerful HR leader meet with a relo consultant "twice". I was offered money to be silent. I posted that fact this blog in June 2009 & if it were NOT true Nissan would have sued me for slander.
On this blog "hours" after I posted the name Dominique Thormann on my blog in July 9th 2009 on early in the morning of July 10th 2009 a press release went out saying he was going back to PARIS. The letter from Nissan legal drafted used by members of the Good Ole Boy network to have me arrested in July 2010 was ordered by "senior management" on July 7th, 2009. On July 6th 2009 I "implied" on this blog that I would be disclosing the name of the bad spender of American taxpayer dollars.

Bottome Line: Those that I have documented for OVER a year harassing me in retaliation for my whistle blowing used a letter that was requested by the guy sent back to Paris
Sharyn took this photo July 7th 2010. Rob used a photo copy of a letter dated July 7th 2009 & he "swore out a warrant". Nissan employees contacted me and told me the security tape would be "wiped" clean (I hope the DA did a subpeona). Employee's that watched my arrest reached out and they knew I was "simply sitting in the lobby".
For the record, I "never" received the original letter, In late July 2009 I was handed a photo copy of that letter by Rob and he greeted me at NISSAN with a bunch of guys standing by their Titan Trucks. All wearing sunglasses on a cloudy day. Rob's hair was even a "different" color. He did NOT want to give me his name and he knew what he was doing was WRONG!!! I went to the office that day in 2009 ONLY to get a letter for my future landlord, a letter I had requested numerous times.
Nissan HR for MONTHS had not helped me with references like they had promised, making it impossible to find a position at the "same" rate as my consulting. They treated me poorly because I told Mr. Tavares about problems including: The reduction of women in management. Nissan had 21% in California~14% after the move to Tennessee~10% after the "Good Ole Boy" network dominated.
I was told that Mr. Tavares could NOT fire those in the Good Ole Boy network till Ghosn was Gone. Then viewers of my blog helped me "connect the dots to Mississippi".
When I have my day in court I will "tell all". I've told the truth and that is why this website has been up for 16 months. That said: Reuter..... Be NICE.
Carlos Tavares knows that this website will come down when he tells me to take it down and several months ago when "he" emailed me. He did NOT tell me to do that..
For OVER a year I've blogged about bad spending at Nissan and my desire for Human Decency at NISSAN.
Sharyn Bovat
"Gonna Make A Change For Once In My Life" Michael Jackson
Reuter, I'd like to teach YOU the definition of RESPECT!!!
??? Did Jalopnik “break” the press EMBARGO!!!
FREEDOM of the Press is “what” America is about!!!
Where’s the PRESS…oops pardon the pun!!!
This Woman Was Arrested After Whistle-Blowing On Nissan
Jalopnik (blog) - 5 hours ago Sharyn Bovat was hired by Nissan North America in January 2009 to help relocate corporate executives, a job she had done as an outside consultant. ..
This website has been up since June 4th, 2009.
I've got the "facts" and wanted to hand over a list of unethical behavior in March 2009.
Nissan this is "ridiculas" let's end it.... & Have a Great Day!!!
“As we look ahead into the next century,
leaders will be those who empower others.”
The words of Bill Gates
TN Segregation Issue:
“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” John Wayne
NISSAN, I'm fighting for "human decency". What happened to me by YOUR unethical, corrupt and discriminating HR was morally wrong. ??? is "change" happening :) :) Sharyn
My name is Sharyn Bovat and I learned from Mr. Tavares #2 globally at NISSAN during his relocation to Tennessee that he wanted success and was sent to solve problems. Mr. Tavares originally wanted to reorganize NISSAN from the bottom up ( a reverse triangle) He wanted to spend time with employees in the plants and office workers that deal directly with the customer. In Franklin he quickly learned the "not the brightest" held top positions at the company and I told him "my thought" The problem was a Good Ole Boy network dominated HR after the company moved from California to Tennessee, instead of hiring the BEST they hired their unqualified buddies. Kickbacks and favoritism is common in the South.
In May 2009 I was told Carlos Tavares wanted to "get rid" of corrupt HR that discriminated but he could not and I found out WHY. More important during that time I learned that Mr. Tavares was going to be "set up" to take the blame for the problems at NISSAN North America.
NISSAN for the last few years the company is having an "Internal Battle of Control" the boardroom battles included the Electric Car, Expansions, The alliance, and more. Some high level leaders of the #3 car company in Japan started "internal alliances" Some board members were playing "games" kind of like the TV show Survivor. They relocated people like "chess pieces" to form their 'power base' Because I was one of the top relocation consultants in Middle Tennessee I had a front row seat at this "cross cultural auto war" I saw a LOT of bad spending at NISSAN and they were wasting American taxpayer money and that bothered me so I found out WHY.
The NISSAN Good Ole Boys were aligned with a board member fighting for future leadership, one that would protect thier jobs. They gave "luxury" perks to executives that played on their alliance. NISSAN HR used AMERICAN taxpayer money to fund this internal 'international power grab' and pay for extravagant goodies. My job was to help some of them spend and when I asked it certain spending was OK it was with Good Ole Boy HR.
Before I even met Mr. Tavares I learned the Good Ole Boys feared Carlos Tavares for he had a reputation for being "by the book". For that reason I scared HR because I had asked about "hidden cost centers". They made threats to me during 4 meetings with HR (2 on the executive floor). Worse when questioning bad spending I was told "Skirts Don't Speak". NISSAN's own internal data shows the Good Ole Boys got rid of 30% of women in management. Women in management in CA 21% then 14% after the move to TN and then in 2009 10%... ouch!!!
When employees at NISSAN told me about problems I listened then I researched the facts and then I TOLD TAVARES. The bad behaviour at NISSAN was at the very TOP level , bad spending originated from the CEO's office in Tokyo.
Mr. Tavares took on the challenge of making "change"
That was truly brave....
What impresses me is he did this knowing that his boss was part of the blame because some of the people that Ghosn aligned with acted not in the best interest of NISSAN but in their "personal" best interest. Their decisions hurt the lives of many hardworking NISSAN employees and cost the company it's reputation for quality cars. Mr. Ghosn hired Jim Morton and he put him in charge of the USA. Jim Morton connected with right wing extremists made business decisions based on short term gain/personal greed/ discrimination thus leading the Shift_ of NISSAN that created a "downward spiral. Had Mr. Tavares not quickly responded during the economic crisis it was possible Japan might have had "only" 2 car global car companies.
GET IT!!! NISSAN had LOTS of problems. Too many bad decisions based on bad "Good Ole Boy" data. I told Mr. Tavares I wanted "real" jobs created in Tennessee. From what I've seen it's happening NOW!!!
I believe Carlos Tavares can lead NISSAN in a way that is respectful to the American people and respectful to our hard earned taxpayer dollars. I've seen a lot of bad behavior at NISSAN and I never would have fought so hard for "change" had I not believed in my heart 100% that Mr. Tavares could do it.
Have A Great Weekend!!! Sharyn
Seriously, my life as a whistle blower is miserable and I’m begging for people to share my story. I was told “skirts Don’t Speak” at Nissan north America and the problems are “real”. I
“Identify your problems but give your power and energy to solutions.” Tony Robbins
Marsha, Marsha, Marsha....
As soon as this "Battle for Human Decency" is over I'm checking myself into a Holistic/Organic Spa for a week. There's one in the caribbean that will be "void" of the Good Ole Boy element. Yeah!!! You won't believe this but my passport expired during The Girl in the Black Honda part of my life. When I went to renew it the lady at the postoffice was kind and she told me to ensure that I get my passport back I should contact YOU. She said you were good to your consituants and you help a lot of people with their passports. OK...That said I will be "brief" about my Tea Party rant.
Mrs. Blackburn. A lot of well meaning angry taxpayers have taken on Tea Party status. That group has been taken over by professional political operatives and they raise money to "fund" politicians that those giving are not aware of. Tea Party members don't want to give their hard earned dollars to war profiteers that support legistlation for Big Business and not the people.
Also, the members use different rhetoric for different states, in some states racist "undertones" are common. That element can "infect" those that are there simply participating because their angry at the economy. Please....distance yourself from that movement.
I've seen good people become "verbal" racist after they move to Tennessee. The culture here is different than in other states. Many peeople in Tennessee have had limited exposure to the world. They've only traveled with the military (to fight someone) or with their church (to save someone). They do not have the concept of accepting people for "who" they are. They want to "change" them.
My mission is Respet for ALL People. Please make a statement about globalization and it's Good for America to be World citizens. Please tell your political followers in Tennessee that It's fantastic to be christian and to love god. Yet they need to be respectful of those not christian. Please tell people at te rallies you speak at to NOT carry signs that are even "slightly" racist. Please tell people NOT to forward unkind jokes about people of different cultures. With you leading the message of "Human Decency" it can happen in Tennessee. If people "get it" and are respectful MORE companies will want to move here without being "Paid". Your help is needed.
Also, if possible can you "cut back" on the "Roadblocks" congress is creating for President Obama. I think the guys trying to create jobs and jobs are needed NOW. I know it benifits the republicans to wait till 2012 for American success (so you can take back the white house). The republicans plan to continue to "halt/stall " bills that will provide job creation & relief to the middle class. This won't stop after midterms. Trust me.... They'll wait till 2012 and it's wrong!!!
Marsha Blackburn, America should come first and we want success NOW!!!
??? Will you help me wih my passport. 615-415-6675
Thank you ,
Sharyn Bovat
Love Cars~Love People~Love the Planet
??? Mr. Sproule Are "we"playing ball ??? Maybe it's BEST if were on the "same" team As my readers know I always ask questions and years ago I asked several of the 'top" political minds this question ??? How do you defeat the "entrenched encumbant". The answer: The way to "win" is to get to the heart of the voter by bringing up "excess". For the record I have respect for Carlos Ghosn, I've never met him. I've heard he has "limited time" due to his "work load". Based on that I can assume problems happened in America because "he" dropped the ball. Luckily being "SAVVY" he was smart enough to send Carlos Tavares to retreve it. In my opinion Nissan was on the "verge" of going down like the Titanic & he was going to leave the keys to NISSAN to Mr. Saikawa for he teamed up with corrput HR and would have "covered Ghosn's tracks" & those of Mr. Morton. I've fought so hard because he would have kept the Good Ole Boys. They're corrupt & discriminate.
Good News!!! Mr. Tavares "saved the ship" and stopped the sinking of the SSNISSAN. If Mr Tavares were to "run" for President of NISSAN :) :) and "if" I got to lead the message to "ensure" his victory, this is an "attack ad" I would publish. I "believe" in winning using "the truth". For that is "ethical".
Carlos Ghosn Knows...
Knows how many jobs he has.....
By Taku Kato and Minh Bui - Jul 1, 2010
The following table is a listing of Japan’s top 50 highest paid executives in fiscal 2009. All figures are in millions of yen.
Executive Company Ticker Total
Carlos Ghosn Nissan Motor Co. 7201 891
Howard Stringer Sony Corp. 6758 815
Yoshitoshi Kitajima Dai Nippon Printing Co. 7912 787
Banjiro Uemura Tohokushinsha Film Corp. 2329 675
Alan MacKenzie Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. 4502 553
Chihiro Kanagawa Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. 4063 535
America and the World (Welcome Senegal)
My name is Sharyn Bovat & I "used" to be one of the TOP relocation consultant in Middled Tennessee. In the winter of 2009 I told the 2nd most powerful man at Nissan Globally about discrimination, corruption and wasteful spending of taxpayer money. Because I became a whistle blower members of a southern Good Ole Boy network have harassed me and made my life miserable. I've lived in Tennessee for 9 years and those in the community with racist comments and bad business practices "got on my nerves" so this California girl decided to FIGHT BACK for Fairness. I guess you could say I had my "Kathy Bates Fried Green Tomato Moment". If you read this blog you'll understand why America went to "2" wars for oil and WHY the country needs to Speak Up!!! Please take off your shoes and "get comforable" and keep reading.
Have A Great Day!!! Sharyn

I'm NOT a typical "Blue State Liberal" as some would believe for I'm a Former Reagan Republican & the other day when I heard a member of the community say "some 'chick' has a communist blog" that got me MAD. FYI-Williamson County Tennessee years ago I went to Leningrad Russia as a "foot soldier" to help END communism & the next person that calls me a communist "I'll CRUSH" .... Trust Me!!! Marsha Blackburn ??? Would YOU like to have coffee and "hash out" what the word communist means. ??? Why do people in "red" states use it randomly as an "insult" kind of like the word "gay" or "crazy" especially when they do NOT know what it means. ??? Why do people think President Obama is a Socialist. ??? Marsha maybe we can "define" that word too. It seems like there's too much ridiculas rhetoric in the south and I think I know WHY Call Sharyn at 615-415-6675 or email Sharyn at
In 1993 Sharyn Bovat was in Dallas and attended a BBQ. Less than 20 people were there and she had it confirmed that using religion & the less educated were part of the long term strategy to “Take OVER the Republican Party”.
That night those politicos that were aligned w/the Reagan moderates in the party were jockeying for positions w/ the
“winners” of the 1992 Republican party's "Internal Battle of Control" & Sharyn made quite an impression with the victors when she “spoke up” about the “bad spending” of the head of the FBI. The man sitting next to her said “that’s my dad”.
Congressman Pete Sessions of Texas (R) ??? Remember Me :) :)
The Invasion of Kuwait was
"staged" to help stimulate the economy & those NOT christian paid for it. Dick Cheney knew Saddam was a vicious tyrant but we did NOT go to Baghdad in the early 90's simply to keep the price of the barrel high. Dick Cheney became President of Haliburton & made 94,000,000.00
American/NISSAN Good Ole Boys ??? WANT MORE
That said:
Ranting Right wing Red state Republicans w/Reagan Rhetoric are Really Racist Extremist Educated Elitist Abusing Average Angry Americans for Professional Politicians have Pirated the tea Party for Personal Profit. They’re Taking Advantage of the American taxpayer Advocates. Conservatives in Congress want to Control the Campaign Cash for they Care about the Countries Corporations & the Concerned Credit Crunched Citizens will Continue to get Cheney Chump Change.
NISSAN Understanding “when” I get the CSR job I will no longer be able
to “spout” my political thoughts so I’m Getting it ALL out NOW!!!
Have A Great Day!!!! Sharyn
Love Cars~Love People~Love the Planet
NOW you know the "book" The Stealth Skirt will be about the strategy Failure for Power
Coming Soon!!! The Red State Refugee Road Trip &
"Gonna make a change for once in my life"..... Michael Jackson

Let's End the Ghosn Era of "Let Them Eat Cake"

The Stealth Skirt
Sharyn Bovat was told “Skirts Don’t Speak”
At Nissan North America her emotions did Pique
If you read Sharyn and the Z
You’d know she was a vendor for the King of Tea
Knowing the problems at Nissan were big
With tips from employees she started to dig
An internal battle of control at Nissan was brewing
Greg Kelly did not like what Sharyn the “skirt” was doing
Bovat learned the bad economy was a tool
They wanted someone named Carlos to look like a fool
Tavares trusted Sharyn for problems to look
All the corruption documented will be in Bovat’s book
Bovat connected problems to politics in Mississippi
Then the Nissan “bad boys” in HR got a little Grumpy
When a viewer told Sharyn Hurricane Katrina $$$ was used
For putting that on her blog, Bovat was abused
They had an 18 month plan that included the EV to fail
Bovat uncovered something so big she spent time in jail
Racism and Greed is what "right wing" extremism is all about
America that’s how Sharyn understood HR's Mark Stout
A Southern Good Ole Boy network wasted taxpayer money
They turned Tennessee into a land of milk and honey
Sharyn’s “Prisoner in cell block H” moments were not at all fun
Too many supporters blame Bovat’s treatment on Mr. Jim Morton
For longtime workers & shareholders at Nissan the move to Tennessee was not a win
Morton and Ghosn profited personally from a strategy learned by moving Michelin
New Nissan HR ousted talented performers & the gays they did hate
Jim Morton wanted the company to leave California saying it was a “godless” state
Good News!!! Sharyn heard NISSAN’s Ghosn was Going
She hopes that means no more whistle blowing
Sharyn is tired of Good Ole Boys and their greed
She wants to work & move on, let NISSAN succeed
So the “Girl in the Black Honda” is getting ready to park
Now that she caught a multi-cultural shark
Have A Great Day!!!! J J Sharyn
Love Cars~Love People~Love the Planet
Over 500,000 hits on this website, 2 arrest, 3 court appearances, 3 press releases and NO local reporting on the story. I don't need a "chalkboard" to compare this to communism. Glenn Beck is WRONG!!! It's the RED states that connect the dots to loss of FREEDOM. Two "Think Tanks" read The Girl in The Black Honda.
NISSAN knowingly moved a number of employees to Tennessee
with the knowledge that they would be fired within a year.
“In a series of planning meetings in which decisions of outsourcing various functions were made the company decided that India would take over much of the call center volume would not be ready until some 8-10 months after the move to Tennessee was completed and it was brought to the attention of Jim Morton (Mr. Ghosn's right hand-man) that Nissan would be moving some 60-70 employees, and then firing them when the Indian company came on-line. People pointed out to Morton that it was morally and ethically wrong to move people 1800 miles from their homes, only to fire them within a year. Morton's response to comments "we can't afford the disruption to our business."
"The sleazy, corrupt executives that worked out this move for personal reasons could never understand what they destroyed and what they delivered to their competitors."
"the NISSAN move to Tennessee was just as stressful as watching a loved one die of cancer."
"Nissan got rid of MANY of the transplants through
intimidation, demotions and all-out firings."
"This is the team that amazed the automotive world, saved a legendary brand, established Infiniti as a true luxury performance brand and soared to historic profits."
Above are comments from viewers human beings that care(d) about NISSAN, some words were changed to protect the identity of the viewer. The "first" thought has been expressed by several differnt viewers & I'm not the only one WRONGED by a Good Ole Boy network that was led by Jim Morton. Bottom line Carlos Ghosn put him in charge and he's responsible. Ghosn MUST Go!!!
My name is Sharyn Bovat
I respect ALL people.
??? Maybe NISSAN it's time YOU did the same.
More Voices From NISSAN soon... Its Real and it's SAD.
"The dramatic difference of opinions from viewers about my 'Labor Day thought' tell me that America is divided culturally into "2" the blue states vs red states. For years socialy I've heard comments that slander prominent females in our society & now when I spoke up about Good Ole Boy networks and racism I'm being slandered in a similar fashion, sadly it's true women that 'speak up' in the south against the establishment are ridiculed & demeaned" ...Sharyn Bovat aka The NISSAN Whistleblower
This Quote is taken from the blog created to communicate the message of problems in the school due to a “Good Ole Boy” network in the Williamson County.
“I used to do International relocation and you'd be amazed at the comments made about some of my clients who were professionals…….Some days I just shake my head and say now you know why it's difficult to find white sheets at TJMaxx. It's just part of the culture. It's difficult to digest but people get used to it, Sadly.” .... Sharyn Bovat
"It’s a global economy and EVERYONE needs to participate. Diversity in 'thought' is the key that turns on innovation" ... Sharyn

??? Why did Rob give me a photo copy of a letter drafted on July 7th 2009 in late July 2009.
??? Why did I not get the original.
??? Why did Carlos Tavares meet with me in May "after" Mark Stout had me kicked out of the building on numerous occasions in March.
??? Why did a NISSAN IT person help me after I started my website in June.
??? Why did my emails NOT bounce back, I was told that when Mr. Tavares was "done" with me they would.
??? Why did Mark Stout disappear from the list of Bio's on the NISSAN USA website then reappear
after I questioned the absense.
??? Who was that man of Latin decent sitting with Rob all day yesterday,
??? Why is Rattner moving his book release up to September 20th.
FYI- I've said for over a year I've been followed and harassed. Yesterday I asked Rob about all the Titan trucks that had men standing guard that day in July when all I wanted was a reference letter to get into my apartment. Literally in the parking lot in front of the building a bunch of Titan Trucks and their owners, staring at me. It was scary.
I talked to a guy in California and he said at Toyota you would not drive to the HQ and see men standing by their Tundras.
??? WHY did that happen.
??? WHY did Rob say I was deemed by management a "high" security risk, yet Mr. Tavares still communicated with me.
??? WHAT kind of "high" security risk is an unarmed relocation consultant and WHY did the taxpayers spend money for over 1/2 dozen police cruisers to arrest her.
??? Why is this website "still" up.
Maybe it's ALL connected to this:
In court Rob read a letter that was drafted on July 7th 2009, saying I was NOT welcome at NISSAN and this letter was written at the direction of senior management.
Interesting, It was written the day after I put on this blog that "the man that spoke to congress to get over a billion of hard earned American taxdollars was a 'bad' spender.". On July 9th, 2009 I put that mans name on this blog for about 6 hours from 10pm-4am (just for Paris and Tokyo). On July 10th, 2009 a press release was issued that Senior Vice President Dominique Thormann was being replaced.
My name is Sharyn Bovat and I told the truth!!!... I've been bullied by a Good Ole Boy Network & arrested for retaliation from whistle blowing.
What happened to me was WRONG!!! I WANT MY REPUTATION BACK
"Let's Get This Party Started"... Hannah Montana

Tennessee spent an average of $155,000 usd per job created by the relocation of NISSAN
They used taxpayer money & the American Taxpayer will be disgusted to learn the Truth about "how" it was spent.
This Website is about: "RESPECT for All People" an innovative idea :) :)
NISSAN It's just a matter of time
for change
Welcome Jalopnik Viewers!!!
I’m A woman Born in the USA self described as Bold~Bitchy~Bright named Sharyn Bovat aka by Jalopnik AUTO Bloggers a “Batshit BabE” I’m Battling for Better Behavior at NISSAN North America. Bovat lost her American rights By a Good Ole Boy network & she’s Battling a Press Embargo too. Bovat Believes By Browsing my website it’s Beautiful Thanks Jalopnik.
Viewers please help me in my
"fight for human decency".
My mission is: Respect For All People. Please email your member of congress & tell your friends to call NISSAN 615-725-1000 and tell them Sharyn spoke for the American taxpayer.
In my heart I believe that ALL Americans want our hard earned taxpayer dollars loaned/granted/given to corporations that do NOT discriminate & give "goodies" to executives using taxpayer money.
I did not like the Tennessee taxpayers paying for an execs wife to fly business class each month over a ocean, even while the company had a ban on travel and while hardworking people in Franklin were forced to take "unpaid" vacation. That luxury perk "alone" cost TN about 75-80K a year and it went on about 2 years until I asked why. At Tennessee taxpayer expense I was hired to find a spa for a VP to get "oxygen facials". That money could have been spent for the children ??? maybe education.
Because I questioned wasteful spending on the executive floor at NISSAN North America about excess spending for perks to executives using Tennessee taxpayer dollars I was harassed and bullied for over a year. My life as a whistle blower is miserable.
I''ve fought back and NOW those in a southern based Good Ole Boy network in the community are attacking me. They swore out a warrant to have me arrested. This is morally WRONG!!!
My name is Sharyn Bovat & I have court Sept. 7th and I'm truly TERRIFIED of being railroaded (again) by those that fear me for questioning their "bad" spending.
Tennessee took away my American rights because a "Good Ole Boy" network had too much power. PLEASE HELP!!!
Thank You & Have A Great Weekend!!! Sharyn 615-415-6674

NISSAN Gave America a "Lemon" and they used OUR taxpayer money to pay for it.
My Name is Sharyn Bovat and I fought for the American taxpayer. By becoming a whistleblower to the future CEO of NISSAN Carlos Tavares
Good News!!! America will NOW see the money given/loaned/granted for the EV to NISSAN used properly. Mr. Tavares.....Thank You!!!
Mr. Ghosn, YOU disgust ME. I've been through hell proving "the point" that the EV is needed and YOUR friends tell me they LOVE my website for it is helped YOU get more government money/support for EV start up costs. Then I learned that YOU are playing on "two" teams and I've been told YOU profited personally with your "friend" Jim Morton who is connected to the perceived corrupt governor of Mississippi who is a racist & a right wing extremist. Some at NISSAN profited using hurricane Katrina money. How YOU treated hardworking employees at NISSAN was morally wrong. Get this!!! I heard some might get "indited" WOW!!!! If that happens I look forward to seeing the American justice department take action against corporate corruption and I hope they address the "Good Ole Boy" problem in Tennessee.
From 'Day 1' I said the American people should NOT fund a corporate battle of control. Especially for a company owned by the Japanese and French.
NISSAN this "disgrace" could be what triggers the Buy American trend. Too many in America & the world are reading this website.
This Battle of Control for the leadership at NISSAN needs to end. NOW!!! Image is Everything!!!
??? Mr. Tavares, Do I have to do "Everything"
??? WHY is it that AMERICA has to do ALL the fighting.
??? Maybe it's time for "global teamwork".

My name is Sharyn Bovat and I told Carlos Tavares about wasteful spending of taxpayer money, discrimination and corruption that was being done by a "Good Ole Boy" network that took over HR & Legal at NISSAN North America after NISSAN moved the USA HQ to Tennessee from California.
America, I proved to be telling the TRUTH...over a year ago & Mr Tavares has "controlled" the excess spending. Yet the "Good Ole Boys" are NOT gone. Worse, because I'm a whistleblower living in a small town my life is miserable. many people in the community "profited with "insider" information.
June 2009 I wrote that business and politics are entangeled in America. Several months ago I wrote "why" I'm so passionate about this battle for human decency.
This was written before I learned Ghosn was a Good Ole Boy. In April a friend of Ghosns told me that the NISSAN leader LOVED my website for i was proving the need for America to "go electric" then he made a comment that "intrigued" me. That comment along with "tips" from readers spurred a discovery that confirmed the reason why those that are unethical are still in HR and Legal Carlos Ghosn was connected to the "Good Ole Boys". His friend he brought over from Michelin to lead North America did some deals. He did those with right wing extremist. The Good Ole Boys were needed in HR and Legal to "cover their tracks" and they did that by taking away my rights as an American.
Before I start this..... early on I gave Mr. Tavares some pictures. I trusted Carlos Tavares because he "impressed" me with his business ethics. Read on....
Readers: For those of YOU too young to remember the 80's that era it was a time of curiosity, adventure and "change"
Sharyn Bovat was an undecover “airhead” in the 80's and in the 90's a freelance friendly fixture. read my biography at My role was to ask questions and understand WHY.
Using “valley” speak people “thought” I was NOT the brightest.
Below is an example of a conversation in the middle east.
“Like Wow....Fer sure..I’ve never met a ‘journalist’ with such a nice home”.
??? “You like have how many servants”
My “thought” Maybe I should become a Lebanese “journalist".... it seems to provide a better lifestyle than American “tourist”.
??? Like ...I totally don’t get it... why did we like NOT go to Bagdad if Saddam is like so "monster" bad.
??? What’s like an embargo..I’m like totally confused... Valley speak got me the answer on the embargo question. WOW!!! "Like saying you can’t like play on our playground.” ??? Why would America like want an embargo.
I found out WHO “paid” for the war.....Americans were “mercenaries” for a mid east “turf war”. One that had been brewing for generations yet never happened until the “Greedy Good Ole Boys” led by Dick Cheney he “triggered” the shot that woke up a “sleeping giant”.
Think about this.... If the US government “banned” German cars from America then the price of luxury cars from Japan would increase. It’s basic economics.. WOW!!!
??? Why did we get mad at the French after 9-11 and after our decision to go to Iraq. ??? Could it be we didn’t want to blame our friends from Saudi and the "red" state ignorant needed a villan. So they communicated it was time to Blame the French. Sadly many in TN did just that. The wine store about a mile from the NISSAN USA HQ stopped selling french wines. We ate Freedom Fries.
America -The Gulf War was a BIG GAME of Gasopoly.
The cost....was teenage blood
I learned A LOT while being a tourist in life.
Fer sure “my thought” I get it......
In Central America I learned a lot more about “deals” making friends in the middle east & bartering is was a LOT to absorb.
All over the world I met great people...who inspire me to SPEAK today.
Bottom line and “my” opinion:
Iraq “thought” we wanted them to “invade”....
Maybe when “W” became president he and his VP “needed Saddam to be silent so keeping and eye out for the “tall guy” was not on the radar and money monitoring the “tall guy” was diverted to watching Iraq. This was BEFORE 9-11.
Then the towers fell and after 9-11 the Greedy Good Ole Boys got their ‘money making plan’ together one that created jobs for companies owned by their “buddies”.
They strategically "twisted” the blame for the Attack on America to Iraq. They gave congress “bad” info.
Congress was desperate for “action” to show they cared to their constituents and they voted to go to War without UN approval. The “Good Ole Boy Greedy” made money Sadly the jobs were in the middle east and lives were lost.
For the record I was just did “low level” research in the 80’s & I believe in my heart Ronald Reagan was focused on ending communism and the “next generation leader (Bush and the boys from texas) started the “nasty” stuff. The people from Texas LOVED oil & weapons.
They LOVED to make money. ??? why not..It’s the American dream. Sadly their dreams came true using the “blood” of our troops and Iraqi children.
Wow!!!!! To “much” info...
Bottom Line: People in the oil and defense industry profited. Hundreds of thousands of innocent children died.
The Clinton administration had a “difficult” congress to deal with after the Contract of America. They could not stop the carnage in Iraq. Saddam was “out of control”. The "average" Iraqi people suffered under the Embargo. ??? Who helped get him there. “think Bush/Cheney”
??? Who could have stopped him in the early 90’s? It’s all about money.... “think Bush/Cheney”.
Seriously Think about this!!!!!
Had Bush #1 wanted success he could have gone to Bagdad. The goal was a “long term embargo” to keep the price of a barrel high. Better for the Good Ole Boys....Businesses profited and others were formed overseas at American taxpayer expenses to keep the back accounts “full” of those aligned with the “Greedy Good Ole Boy Elite”.
I put Haley Barbour and his cronies as lieutenants and his “values” he was a War Profiteer. He was corrupt after katrina. ??? My god....didn't he have ENOUGH money already from. Why take more take. AMERICA don't be ignorant....HELLO do YOU see a trend... Ghosn "buddy" Morton is connected to boards that profited to Katrina and Iraq. Check out "land deals" in Mississippi. He donated "alot" to Barbours efforts and I have MORE!!! LLC's- using Katrina money to benifit a "few" at NISSAN. They took advantage of an African American football player who was retired.It was horrible.... Too many people too much info too many dots connecting the. Also, this has been on MY website for MONTHS and nobody has told me to take it down and I have thousands of hits perday Wanting to "believe" Ghosn was good I chose to "not" publish anything wanting corporate change at NISSAN, Wanting my "life" back. Wanting success for jobs in Tennessee. A "tip" confirming the relationship triggered more research and when I had enough to determine the Good Ole Boys were still in power and harassed me for over a year and had the police take me to jail...just to cover the tracks of so many that have profited from "not good behavior" I realized Ghosn Must Go. He's all about Greens yet a "different" kind. 
America knows WHO “paid” for the 1st Gulf War.....& Dessert Shield.
Americans simply were “mercenaries” for a mid east “turf war”. One that had been brewing for generations yet never happened until the “Greedy Good Ole Boys” led by Dick Cheney “triggered” the shot that woke up a “sleeping giant”.
Looking back President Clinton could have done “amazing” social programs at home that roadblocks stopped.
It’s sad because our country could have been so much better.
This “skirt” blames the underground communications network that the republican extremist created that tainted the minds of those that they called the “mindless minions”. They used simplistic racist rhetoric to “control” red state (working class) America. My opinion is that using "Jesus" and stupidity as a political tool to take "political" control and having people NOT christian pay for it.... is simply "disgusitng". The "Greedy Good Ole Boy Elite" pretended to "be of faith". and attacked people on personal issues. Here's an example: A hypocritical member of congress wanted to "prove" he controlled my life and tried to scare me by slandering me he even talked to someone I was dating, he became a lobbyist.
He did it becaseu I "knew" to much. Yes!!!
I have some Republican Governor stories but
I WON'T GO THERE. ...EVER "thought" Luckily I want a job with a car company and not the Vatican. For the record I never broke a law and never did anything in my college days "close to" what some people in did in congress today. The last 17 years my life has been nothing but "boring".
Back to "The Greedy Good Ole Boys" they said *$%# California politically they did not want moderate republicans to get elected in California. They preferred democrats to wi
n. They wanted control of the $$$and sabotaged any “credible” moderate that ran for high level office. Read “Sharyn and the Z”.
In California we had their own “internal battle of control” many saw the “writing on the wall” and teamed up with the “Good Ole Boys”. Dirty tricks became the norm.
Many reasonable “thinkers” in California became
democrats.... Even me. Then I got "recruited" back to the GOP.
Even got an all area's "backstage" tickets to the "Battle for the heart of the Republican Party" in 1992 in Houston at the RNC convention. Somebody wanted me to "check things out".
??? Senator Mitch Mc Connell of Kentucky would you like to meet for Coffee. I’d ask Senator Corker from Tennessee to join us but I hear “he’s expensive” to have a meeting with.
Sir, I’ve decided that after I work really hard in the auto industry and help leadership create “1” corporate culture. I’m going to retire to NYC and become a HISTORY professor. Maybe I’ll commute once a week to work with students at “elite” schools. Maybe Yale....
??? Some of the teaching techniques at Yale are “different” I would like to have a discussion with the head of economics over cocktails. Viewers read: Message to Yale....
??? The Bush Team really did believe War is good for the economy. I want to know where they learned that.
Very Important!!! It seems like the “educated elite” need a better understanding of the mindset of “average” America.
I remember spending a few days as a houseguest of a family in Iowa. We even watched the Price is Right together -funny memory-the grandmother was upset I did not know what “mop and glow” was and I had confessed that I never used a vacuum. The Iowa experience taught be about “respect for the dollar” it’s for those hardworking Americans that clean their own homes and find happiness in having a “fridge” full of food that I communicate to. In Iowa we talked about Midwest “values”. They LOVE America and vote for politicians with integrity.
Mitch Mc Connell...
??? Tell me what you think about war mongering and racism.
Senator Mc Connell I want to hear from YOU a well respected member of the Senate what your “thoughts” are. Fort Campbell is in Kentucky and lots of “boxes” came home.

America ??? Do YOU want a 3rd war for oil.
My “thought” maybe it’s time for some Freedom from relying on volatile nations for oil, job creation, and maybe your grandchildren would appreciate “breathing clean air”.
Mr. Mc Connell ??? Why Don’t you support AMERICA and the energy bill that will create possible PEACE...... the “thought” of my child living in a world without war and racism is a dream.
I believe dreams can come true. Senator, Call me 615-415-6675.
OK....Those of my “thoughts” on politics. I’m DONE!!! I just wanted to “prove my point”.
USA it’s time to Shift_ to “Reasonable Leadership in America”.
I've seen too much corrpution in politics and in corporations. Both the good ole boys in 1992 and in 2009 threatened me...they wanted me to be silent. They made my life miserable but using "my past experiences" I talked. What helped me decide to "pick this battle" was connecting Mr. Tavares to team Ghosn in the "Internal Battle of Control 2009" I knew Ghosn had the ear of former President Clinton together they could make "change" in America and Tennessee.
To be candid I had to fight for my "soul" I started to wonder if "I" even mattered as a person. I needed to know if an "average" person could simply tell the truth and make a difference in America. Knowing about so much I questioned for years if my life mattered. My country broke my heart. That experience made me "tough".
Remember the movie Fried Green Tomatoes and Kathy Bates ran into the car of the "mean" girl. She yelled out "I'm older and have better insurance". We'll i had my "Green Tomatoe" moment and decided to fight back and speak and play "hardball".
Luckily Mr. Tavares Listened and then so did Mr. Ghosn and people in Arkansas...NOT Huckabee. The "good" guys cared and we need America to Wake Up!!! I'm feeling the "electric energy..... it's time for America to take a "new" direction. It starts by removing roadblocks. WOW!!!!
This was written "prior" to knowledge of Ghosn association with the politcal and NISSAN Good Ole Boys...Because NISSAN did NOT fire those that were "proven" unethical I went to jail and lost my rights as an American. I want JUSTICE!!!!
"I’ll prove the NISSAN CEO Carlos Ghosn’s Green Halo was an illusion & he was in bed (figuratively) with right wing extremist that sent America to 2 wars with oil” ... Sharyn
Sir, this "warrior" is tired of politics. I’m happily looking forward to Shifting to cars.
Thank You once again...for listening!!!!
Have A Great Day!!! Sharyn
Love Cars~Love People~Love the Planet
Iraq sanctions
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The Iraq sanctions were a near-total financial and trade embargo imposed by the United Nations Security Council against the nation of Iraq. They began August 6, 1990, four days after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait,[1] and continued until May 22, 2003, after the fall of the Saddam Hussein government in the US-led invasion earlier that year. Their stated purpose was at first to compel Iraq's military to withdraw from Kuwait and after that to compel Iraq to pay reparations, and to disclose and eliminate any weapons of mass destruction, and to do certain other things.

This battle will be dedicated to my mother who "taught" me how to speak up. See took me to a brunch for elected officials and their daughters years ago and Dianne Feinstein talked to each of us separatly about taking the "torch" and speaking for the NEXT generation. I asked the now US Senator about "problems" and asked what no one is listening.... She said "keep talking until they do". She also said to "pick your battles wisely". Senator, thank you for the advice & this battle was done using by entire heart.
I want my little girl to know that She can be anything she wants to in life. She'll Be Free to Be.
Beijing LOVES Bovat & Welcome Back Berlin!!!
Mr. Buffett I "think" some of my viewers from the land of the 'great wall' are your people. ??? WHY Oh...maybe it's the E6. I "get it". NISSAN The World is Watching!!! Yesterday "again" I had almost had 4000 hits... Ann Arbor... I LOVE YOU TOO !!!! OVER 400K hits
“If I get a law firm that will show the WORLD the misconduct of the NISSAN Good Ole Boys and the Community for allowing a person’s to lose their human rights for 'whistleblowing' I will stop speaking, writing, blogging, and will let them do EVERYTHING to prove this case” ....Sharyn
NISSAN People are “cheering me on from the sidelines” ........
A lady from South Franklin subdivision (a very religious area) said “it’s like watching David vs. Goliath”.
NISSAN Good Ole Boys IF YOU read that book like YOU “say” you do remember who wins :) :)
At Target a NISSAN insider told me: “YOU are the ONLY person that’s ever had the ‘balls’ to tell Tokyo why NISSAN was deteriorating”.
At Publix I was asked: “ ??? Can you help me get a job … I moved to TN for the affordable housing … I have an advanced degree and NYC work experience … for years I’ve been applying for jobs at NISSAN & I could never figure out why NISSAN never responded. After reading your website it makes sense. ”
At Costco I’ve was asked: “At NISSAN is the ‘wall’ going to fall” & on a different day by a local well known community volunteer “When is Carlos Tavares going to tell YOU to take down that website”.
This website started this website June 4th 2009 to show Tokyo and Paris about discrimination and bad spending of taxpayer money. I simply wanted to be treated with respect by NISSAN HR and quietly wanted to hand over a list of unethical behavior and NOW it's becoming so much bigger......
July 2009 two people from NISSAN Marketing were talking about presenting the idea to lower the price of the Maxima and they were talking about issues that would come up. Including cross selling with the Altima which is a NISSAN Best Seller. We'll a hour after they left on the front page of i wrote something similar to this:
MESSAGE to 30ish
British NISSAN Marketing Man in a Red Tie...who was just at Starbucks. FYI- My web stats showed they Listened. They "tweaked" the Maxima raised the price and it sold much better. When HONDA "tweaked" the Accord sales slumped again. FYI- You need a smaller engine for the baby boomer "skirts". When I heard that man speak (and he was smart) and by looking at "fresh economic data" along with what NISSAN was putting in their "Line up" it was like watching a plane spiral out of control until it crashed.
This was a "crash" in the making....
Looks like Mr. Tavares listened and maybe Hertz has lost out on a "luxury coupe" along with their "topless Murano".
FYI- Your Fleet sales are fantastic. I used to only see American cars when I needed a rental but for the last few years NISSANs are always available.
??? Why does Product Planning "not" get it here's my "thought"
NISSAN has "engine issues" I'm starting to "get it" BIG TIME in reference to their mindset. Funny thing women have a "different view on PERFORMANCE" in many ways :) :) We Want Reliability & RESPECT!!!
NISSAN a car is more than an "engine"
??? Is NISSAN capable of Performing for WOMEN!!!
FYI- having "vitiman C" spitting out of the A/C in our faces is NOT it.
??? Mr. Tavares Why is this website still up.
Sir, I don't understand. Sharyn

This Website is a “tool” for change at
NISSAN North America I said from
“day1” It will come down when Carlos Tavares
Tells me to take it down Sharyn Bovat 615-415-6675

Take a moment to “think” about this….
I was sending Carlos Tavares the #2 globally at Nissan emails OVER a year ago emails from an email address with HIS name as part of the address
This was created after I received advice from a NISSAN IT expert working for TAVARES and After my website went up & my “in” box was NOT empty.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: sharyn bovat <>
Date: Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 9:35 PM
Subject: new information
To: antunes
Mr ….. Tavares,
Good Evening!
This is Sharyn and I wanted to update you with my email addresses.
This is my new highly confidential email that I will "only" use for
you and ****** .fyi...******* has been great helping me understand technical
security. YES A NISSAN IT expert helped me with my Internet
security AFTER my website went up.
My "new" main email is***************
My new private cell number is 615**********
Hope all is well.
Have a Great Weekend!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: sharyn bovat <>
Date: Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 7:51 AM
Subject: testing
OK.....people will think this is a Relative...
The at&t store is working on getting me a phone with a 248 area code.
if it works I'll get another with at 310.
It seems like a virus is hitting my computer. coincidence?
My hard copies are going in a safety box on Monday
Have a Great Day.... I'll text you when I get the new phone.
Date: August 5, 2009 4:09:01 AM CDT
To: Sharyn <>
Subject: Re: Good News
NISSAN was having an “internal battle of control”…… All along I knew that I was on “team Tavares and the Good Ole Boys set Mr. Tavares up to fail. Knowing this was about the EV that I believe in I fought this battle. Also I wanted those that discriminate OUT of HR. This “good ole boy” society is destroying NISSAN and Mr. Tavares wanted to “fix it”. I offered to help. NO I did not think it would take “this long”. My child has suffered…THIS NEEDS TO END!!!!!
I knew of bad spending of taxpayer & shareholders money They wanted Tavares to fail so someone could lead NISSAN that would keep those that were unethical in HR in power.
AMERICA Because of my political background I knew HOW to make “change” and Mr. Tavares knew this. My website has been used as a “tool” for change. Months ago I told Tavares if I was NOT getting the NISSAN CSR job to "end this".
I've been fighting a "good Ole Boy" network ~ helped hardworking employees keep their jobs ~ Standing up for American Taxpayer Rights ~ and giving NISSAN data to succeed.
How I'm being treated is WRONG!!!
That said my "respect" for Tavares is dwindling. He could have ended this earlier but he didn't for HIS gain. We'll he's now the incoming CEO and it looks like others have taken credit for my "thoughts" SO NISSAN ??? What is "going on" I gotta know NOW!!!!
NISSAN~Franklin~”Good Ole Boys”~America
DO YOU "finally" GET IT!!!!!!
Mr. Tavares is the "NEW" CEO and the women that helped get him there is getting %$#@&%
by being slandered and harassed by the "out going " corrupt administration and now Sharyn's IMAGE is Bad all because Tokyo learned of problems and moved too slowly at eliminating the "bad apples" that were destroying the company.
NISSAN ??? How does it feel to have Hyundai got your spot at #5.
It happened because the "good ole boys' didn't care about the: customer ~ quality~ dealer~society.....
My thought..... Ewanick Call Me. 615-415-6675,,,,
You were SMART to Flee.....My name is Sharyn and I'm a Red State Refugee....Help :) :)
??? Why did I do the biography "I lived the 80's" on Too many people have said they could never "speak" the way I did after seeing the "ABUSE" I've received from the community and NISSAN. Even if they knew for discrimination &
corruption. I'ts SAD. I'm doing the book to tell the next generation... It's OK to SPEAK. I'm going to write about the need of the EV in the book in a way "moderate" republicans and conservative democrats understand. Also, encourage "education" & give America an opportunity to start the dialoge of creating a "better" more accepting society for the next generation.
So soon I'll have a packet prepared to send to publishers.
Thanks for listening. :)Sharyn
CHINA General Obligation Bond - GO
CHINA General Obligation Bond - GO