To my Dad’s former boss who let me fly a big jet before I was 10. Thank You…Ed Daly.
NISSAN- I want the CSR job because I was inspired at a VERY young age. My dad worked for a company that “truly” cared about people. ALL People!!!
"A human slaughter of massive proportions is imminent," Ed Daly
Wanting CSR comes from my heart...
Thanks to memories from
WORLD AIRWAYS Cambodia and South Vietnam Daly had never received a message back from his cable to President Ford or Henry Kissinger. Therefore, he decided to take on the responsibility of helping save hundreds of lives. It did not matter much it would cost to save the children.
Larry Bovat
He Worked, Cared & Enjoyed His Life
Sharyn was "Inspired" In Tokyo that's where her parents met.
Sharyn’s Mom was Chief Flight Attendant for Transocean Airlines
based in Tokyo in the 50's.
Ironically one of her "unofficial" rules she told trainee's at the airline was "Never Get Involved w/ Pilot". She broke that rule when she met my dad.
When Jet airplanes arrived Transocean Airlines went “bust” then my dad went to work for World Airways & they moved to Oakland.
For people jet travel meant freedom to travel with no long layovers in wake island back then flying around the world quickly and in comfort was "in".
I grew up in a home filled with art from Japan. mom collected Hakata dolls and hired a Japanese gardener who created a "zen" like backyard escape just a few feet from our pool.
Please do not thing I led the life of a privileged child
We only had 3 koi in our pond
My dad's airline friends loved to drink & have fun. Yet, when the alarm went off (Pilots used set alarms 24 hours before a flight to know went to stop drinking) they got into "work" mode. My work ethic comes from the sky.
Also, World Airways inspired me to be a mom to a little girl from China. My goal is to keep alive the spirit to help others. ??? Maybe by transporting orphans. ??? now by car.
Thank You Dad & Ed Daly .
Mr. Tavares
??? Can "we" LAND!!!!
"FLYING PLAYPENS " - The History of World Airways in Southeast Asia - 1956-1975
Written by Patricia Johnson Mulder
It was Easter Sunday in 1975, and life for Charlotte Behrendt became a series of events because of one phone call. Charlotte, twenty-eight year old, only daughter of Edward J. Daly, listened to the anxious voice of Maria Eitz. Maria, sounded alarmed and worried about the orphans in her care. Maria, a dedicated organizer of the Friends For All Children, an orphanage in Boulder Colorado, expressed to Charlotte her fears about the orphaned children in Saigon. DaNang had recently fallen to the Vietcong. Maria asked Charlotte for help in getting the orphans out of this now very dangerous place. There were over five hundred and fifty children in this orphanage. Maria and parents waiting in the United States for the children, felt that they were in danger of being killed by the conquering forces. A few weeks earlier, Ed Daly had sent the World Airways planes in to give supplies to the orphanage. Now, more help was needed. Maria asked Charlotte if she could do anything to get the orphans out of South Vietnam and to safety in the United States. Charlotte told Maria to stay on the line, while she placed a Trans-Pacific phone call to her father. Edward J. Daly answered. As Maria, Charlotte and Daly talked, hope for rescuing the orphans became a reality. Daly was already in Saigon, working on other missions involving getting rice to hungry people in Phonom Penh. Daly did not hesitate a moment. Every minute counted. As soon as he hung up the telephone, Daly began to make plans for the rescue. On March 27th, Daly had already cabled President Ford and Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. His message was urgent. "A human slaughter of massive proportions is imminent," in Cambodia and South Vietnam. Daly never received a message back from his cable. Therefore, he decided to take on the responsibility of helping save hundreds of lives. It did not matter to Daly how much it would cost to save the children. Daly had been a busy man. He had a previous charter commitment in Oakland, which gave him only two days to assemble a flight crew, food medicines, and anything else necessary for a successful, safe operation. Apparently, the government seemed nervous about his undertaking, but it did not make Daly lose his focus. He wanted to help the orphans. Daly checked his schedule log for available pilots. He wanted to handle this emergency quickly and professionally for the safety of the orphans and his crew. Daly pulled one of his planes off the Rice Lift in Cambodia. Captain Bill Keating flew to Phonom Penh the morning of April 2, unloaded his forty-five tons of rice, and was back in Saigon before noon. It was then that Captain Keating and Captain Kenneth Healy (pictured below) discovered that they were assigned to fly five hundred and fifty orphans to the United States.
They would not be alone on this flight. Volunteers were willing to help. On this flight, were four doctors, seventeen European, American and Australian nurses, from the orphanage who wanted to accompany the children to safety. As Daly sat in his hotel room, used now as his office, he counted the hundreds of dollars bills that lay on the desk in front of him. Rescuing people had become a part of his life and he enjoyed the planning process. Daly had already instructed his pilots and on many occasions flown with them to rescue men, women and children refugees from DaNang. In fact, from March 24 through March 26, 1975, World Airways rescued over 1000 refugees from DaNang to Saigon and Na Trang, using three 727 aircraft under a sub contract with Air Vietnam, who then terminated the contract, as they felt that DaNang was too far out of control. On the 27th, flights were then made for USAID, for one day. On the 28th Daly spent the day urging both Vietnamese and United States government officials to some how affect an acceptable crowd control at DaNang, and he would continue to fly out refugees on his own. (A detachment of United States Marines was suggested - and laughed at,) Talks continued until past midnight, when Daly and Healy, unsuccessful in their quest, went back to their hotel to get some sleep. At five a.m..., Daly called Healy's room and said, "I don't care if the __ will help or not. If you will fly to DaNang with me, we will move more refugees on our own." Healy said, "Sure." So they went to work. Three crews were alerted, so as to use all three 727 aircraft. It was decided to operate the flights 30 minutes apart so that only one plane would be on the ground at DaNang at a time. Daly and Healy took the first one. Captain Don McDaniel the 2nd, and Captain Dave Wainio the 3rd. This flight was on March 29, 1975. On arrival at DaNang, all looked calm, and the control tower advised that everything was under control. Upon landing, all hell broke loose, and Healy immediately radioed the other two aircraft to turn around. At that time many refugees did everything to board the last plane out of DaNang. There were soldiers running behind the 727 as it taxied slowly down the runway, trying to get aboard. Some even ran up the rear stairs, into the cargo compartments and wheel wells. World Airways made a daring escape with a plane severely damaged by hand grenades, thrown by soldiers in an attempt to stop the plane. The crowd was out of control so Daly told Captain Healy to take off. The plane was overloaded by 20,000 pounds. There were 360 people aboard a plane which is designed to carry 105. The baggage compartments were loaded with people. Some of the problems during the flight included, the rear stairway remained partially extended for the entire flight and the main wheels would not retract, and the lower cargo doors were open. The plane had to fly at 10,000 feet because of lack of pressurization. Fuel onsumption was three times greater than normal.
When they finally landed at Saigon the fuel tanks were almost empty. This flight was later referred to by CBS News as "The return flight from hell." Now, Daly had another rescue to prepare for. He looked at Jan Wollett, standing near his desk, waiting for instructions. Jan saw her boss counting the money to help buy supplies. Jan, a flight attendant was also scheduled to take part in the rescue of the orphans. She smiled as she took the money from Daly. She was sent to buy supplies needed for the flight. It was about 8:30 a.m.. Wednesday morning of the flight. Jan searched Saigon for pens to secure the orphans during the flight. Unfortunately, Jan was met with coldness and uncooperative people. No one wanted to help her buy supplies. The blankets, milk, baby food and food were essentials to keep the children comfortable. Most disappointing of all, was when the Red Cross refused to supply anything. They had been advised by the U.S. Embassy that Daly's plan to fly orphans, was a hazard. So Red Cross officials stayed out of the evacuation plans completely. These officials did not understand the importance of saving the children. The clock was ticking away without even a handful of supplies for the orphans. Jan was still willing to look for other help. She thought of Father Roberts!, who had said Mass for the crew of Plane 691, on Easter Sunday after they escaped on the last flight out of DaNang. With his prayers and kind blessings, their hearts and minds were more at ease. They looked forward to more challenges that involved helping people. Jan was happy to meet Father Roberts! again. Jan explained to him what she needed. Father Roberts!, knew about the black market and could get blankets for the children. Jan gave him five hundred dollars, and he quickly left for the inner city of Saigon. Later, Jan was told by some of the doctors and nurses that the U.S. Embassy had just received a delivery of a thousand cases of baby food. "Food for the children. Thank you." Jan thought, as she located a telephone. She telephoned the Embassy. It was almost noon. No one there would help her. The cases of baby food would never reach the orphans. An invisible cloud of despair seemed to fill the afternoon air. The flight was to depart at 3:30 p.m. on April 2nd, Saigon time and date. 15 Jan tried one last place. She telephoned Foremost Milk Company in Saigon. They agreed to help. After a few hours, they appeared at Ton Son Nhut with four hundred quarts of milk, which they donated to the orphans. Jan was extremely happy when she saw the milk. Her efforts had been rewarded. "I only buy Foremost Milk now," Jan said later, during an interview with reporters. Soon after, the milk was aboard the plane, Father Roberts! arrived at the gates of the airfield, with blankets he purchased. But, he was refused entry. The officials on duty at the gates gave no explanation to Father Roberts!. Father Roberts! was very disappointed that his treasure went unnoticed by the officials. But, he knew that World Airways crew understood, when they saw him walk away with his arms full of blankets. The crew now had to focus on the aircraft. Kenneth Healy and Bill Keating spent the rest of the day getting the plane ready for flight. In spite of being assigned to a plane with no seats, the crew was able to create a safe, comfortable interior. Cargo pallets were locked to the floor. Then mattresses and blankets were put down; crew wrapped netting around it and fastened this to the pallets. It was finished off by adding blankets and pillows on top which were also fastened securely. The bassinets were tied to the cargo netting. For the older children, they could crawl and hold on to the strong netting. The idea of a huge padded playpen, would make the long flight more comfortable than having seats. The overhead compartments had been removed. To replace the fact that there were no oxygen masks to use in case of emergency, thirty to forty portable bottled oxygen tanks, were obtained and tied to the side of the plane. The four laboratories were located, two in front and two in back. Jan was very happy that at least some of the supplies were ready to go. She discovered another hero during the rush to prepare everything for the orphans. Ken Kaizer, station manager for the Flying Tigers, and a colonel in the U.S. military were both able to ask the commissary for soft drinks, baby food, fruit, cookies, medical supplies and other edibles, to be delivered to the aircraft. Time was running out. At around 1:00 p.m., Daly and Margaret Moses, deputy director of Friends For All Children, and her assistants, arrived at Tan Son Nhut, with sirens and Vietnamese police. The exit visas were approved. All was going well until Margaret received a phone call warning her that the plane was unfit. With her two companions, Margaret examined the airplane and her two companions agreed that the plane was unfit. Margaret was out voted. Margaret was still willing to go, but she never flew on World Airways flight. When Daly located the source of the warning, which was from USAID, who had determined that the flight be stopped, he understood that they really did not know the facts. "If they could only see the airplane, they would realize that it was fit." Daly said. There were thirty-one adults and three doctors to handle the five hundred and fifty orphans. But, the USAID still insisted that the plane was "antiquated and unsafe." USAID did not have time to come out and inspect the airplane. Jan felt that, "The USAID and orphanage officials do not understand the way the cargo plane is set up with pallets, blankets and everything. It is perfectly safe. There is 1 adult for every 10 children. We can more than evacuate them in this emergency." The orphans would be very well protected in World Airways plane.