Why don’t men have pillow fights ????
??? Who needs consumer reports when you have this endorsement see below......
Please understand that I was raised by a feminist who taught me how to fight for human rights but ½ of my DNA was a commercial pilot who liked to go to clubs all over the world where women dressed like “rabbit’s”. So this female is about fairness, yet feisty and fun.....
My “thought” Toyota is number 1 because they make a great “vanilla” car.
When looking at other “line ups” at different car companies the design has a flow.... creating an “identity”.
NISSAN is more of a “31 flavors” kind of company....Like Baskin Robbins
When I look at an Armada I see NOTHNG that resembles the “Z”. When I look at the LEAF I see nothing that resembles either of the above mentioned. Yet the Honda Pilot, Accord and the FIT and Insight have familial characteristics.....My thought market the style “diversity” of your design to your advantage.
Make your identity “Expect the Unexpected”......You don’t have a “NISSAN” Look. Truthfully.... some of your cars have NONE of the DNA from your signature car....the “Z” . That’s actually OK..... You just need to let people know that the Nissan Family has “adopted” designs from many cultures....truly making you a “Global Family” .... Make the customer aware that your Japanese DNA is in the engineering.
Maybe have a “NISSAN Signature Series of cars”.....That would be your “attractive lineup”...... the 240sx the 370Z (the new Sentra) Altima, Maxima show how the “lines” connect to your heritage/roots that rich Japanese design DNA of NISSAN....
Side note.....
The Infiniti designs from a “women’s” perspective are fantastic because every car in that line up looks like their members of the same family (DNA)... Infiniti has succeeded because they have a unique style and it’s attractive...... Once the GT-R changes to the Essence look it will go from looking like a member of the Z family to an immediate member of the Infiniti family..... That family lives in a “better” neighborhood so it will do well.
Back to tonight’s “thought” the goal is to “attract” the “younger” generation of women to NISSAN by using your “eclectic “diverse” line up to your advantage.
When I was a child there was a popular game called MYSTERY DATE.... You never knew what was behind the door. Sometimes it was the geek sometimes the “cool “guy. Nissan your getting the “cool” 240 back some women will like it but I think more younger men will buy.......and have the cube... and that has it’s market.. Your Sentra could be the “perfect” all round choice (date) for most women in their early/mid 20’s.
Embrace the fact that there is no Nissan “look” and continue the path of creativity and design that is unique to your company......
Make Thursday “ladies” night at the dealerships. Offer special promotions.... figure out a way to make women want to “explore” NISSAN and get them in the door...... Then WOW them.
Congrats to your awards below...... I guess we won’t be reading about them in the Tennessean...
Have A Great Day!!!!! Sharyn
Love Cars~Love People~Love the Planet
Porsche Panamera Turbo: Coche del Año Playboy 2010
viernes, 08 de enero de 2010 20:51
Archivado en: curiosidades,bellezas,ránkin
(A "true" feminist would hate this picture... I think it's funny that they used this photo in an article about top rated cars......The Point is that WORLDWIDE the NISSAN image is the "z" an "attractive car". The "American" perspective is market to your strenght!!!! ) Porsche Panamera Turbo: Coche del Año Playboy 2010
Quizá no sean los premios más relevantes del sector, pero les envuelve un toque romántico digno de mención. No, el Car of the Year de Playboy no cuenta con un jurado de expertos que analizan minuciosamente mecánica, eficiencia, tecnología, usabilidad… La revista dedicada al culto del cuerpo femenino más famosa del mundo se centra en esas pequeñas cosas que son las que valoran la mayor parte de los mortales: la estética y el diseño.
Pocos les importa que sean aclamados o no por la crítica, al jurado Playboy les sólo les interesa que un automóvil, lo mismo que una bella mujer, provoque giros de cuello mientras pasea por la calle. Y el Coche del Año Playboy 2010 es… (redoble de tambor): el n. ¿Razones? Se nos ocurren muchas. No sólo es un modelo de diseño exquisito –cortesía del ADN de la marca de Stuttgart-, además supera la utilidad del deportivo medio y su capacidad es para cuatro ocupantes, es decir, hay sitio para tres bellezas y un conductor. En definitiva, el Panamera Turbo tiene lo mejor de un deportivo, un motor 4.8 V8 de 500 CV y prestaciones envidiables, y las ventajas de un gran turismo. Ideal para un magnate al estilo Hugh Hefner y para aquellos cuyo sueño sea emularle.
Pero no es el único galardón que la revista masculina otorga. También encontramos otras categorías como mejor cabrio -el premiado no podía ser otro que el Ferrari California-, mejor Diesel –Audi A3 TDi-, mejor berlina deportiva –Mercedes E 63 AMG-, mejor deportivo –Nissan 370 Z- y mejor polivalente –BMW Serie 5 Gran Turismo-. Sí, todos son modelos por los que suspiran muchos y muchas. Unos suspiros sospechosamente parecidos a los inspirados por las ‘conejitas’ de Playboy.
There are now so many Car of the Year awards given out that the whole idea of one vehicle being honored above all others has lost its impact. But when the giver of said award is Playboy Magazine, well, the honor means a little more. Why? Because Playboy doesn't pick a winner based on such tangible criteria as horsepower, miles per gallon or MSRP. They don't care so much about the fastest, greenest or most significant car in its segment. They care about cool. Which car is going to get you to that VIP event and make all eyes turn towards you on arrival? For 2010, Playboy says that car is the Porsche Panamera.
We can absolutely understand where Playboy is coming from here. You just have to imagine yourself as Hugh Hefner: Porsches are both cool and fast, but a Porsche that can accommodate me, my smoking jacket and three bunnies is worthy of a place in the Playboy Mansion garage and perhaps an X-rated car wash in the driveway.
Playboy gave out eight other awards in such categories as Best Horsepower Value (Nissan 370Z), Best Mean and Green (Ford Fusion Hybrid) and Best Reborn Beauty (Ford Taurus SHO) among others. You can check them all out in the press release after the jump, and while we're not sure how many automakers will place their new Playboy awards front and center in the corporate trophy case, we're sure behind close doors they're... well, let's not talk about what they're doing behind closed doors.
(VTC News) – T?p chí dành cho dàn ông n?i ti?ng th? gi?i Playboy v?a công b? danh sách nh?ng m?u xe “cool” nh?t nam 2010. Ðó là nh?ng “guong m?t” nào?Xe th? thao t?t nh?t: Nissan Nismo 370Z
Mang “trái tim” DOHC V6 dung tích 3,7L ?ng d?ng công ngh? di?u khi?n van n?p nhiên li?u VVEL công su?t 350 mã l?c k?t h?p di?n m?o d?p, d?m tính d?ng l?c h?c, nhi?u trang b? tân ti?n và giá ph?i chang (39.130 USD), model th? thao m?i nh?t c?a Nissan - Nismo 370 Z h?a h?n s? “làm mua làm gió” th? tru?ng xe th? thao.
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?????? ????????????? ????: Nissan Almera klassic...
?????? ??????????? ??????? Ferrari California, ?????? «??????????» ?????????? - Nissan Nismo 370, ?????? ??????????? ? ????????? «????/????????» - Mazdaspeed 3, ? ?????? ????????? ??????????? - Audi A3 TDI.