ALL my "thoughts" that were plagiarized I can PROVE they were mine with emails to Mr. Tavares and my web stats.... Trisha Jung.... STOP the SLEAZY STEALING of my Creative "thoughts".... A mentor of mine went to Harvard and said "Nothing Fresh" comes from There...... everything has 2 years worth of dust.
Trisha Jung,
Originally the marketing for the LEAF was really BAD.... I got calls from vendors saying that NISSAN was burning money on the Leaf account. That got me mad because NISSAN was using taxpayer money for the National ad campaign.
I sent a LOT of emails about marketing problems to Carlos Tavares, MANY of my "thoughts" were used.
??? Maybe they were NOT world class ideas but they were a lot better than what YOU were providing
Ms. Jung I want RESPECT and so do the American taxpayers!!!
Sharyn Bovat
There's Lots More Trisha!!!!